oooooh cant do this sunday but could maybe do next sunday if you dont get any takers? bank holiday weekend and the mrs has somthing planed :Cry:
Id love to do Derbyshire. Don't thing I can do this sun tho. Same as pocket rocket. Can do the one after
Hey Craig, Smiley could be out with you, but not for all of the day. Give us your thoughts.......:fencing:
Hi, not going to make it myself now, Just been asked to work sunday and could really do with the extra pennies.

Will try to get out in next few weeks as i am busy next weekend aswell.

David whos smiley:confused:
Yea ol be up for a blast in the next few weeks myself.let me no when your going
Nothing planned really know qiute a few round this area and also got a lot of marks on memory map so plenty to choose from:D

last few times we have been out its been a good 12 -13 hrs outing.
i'm up for soemtime in the next few weeks, just got back in the country and am missing my landy, just need to get it re insured taxed ect ect :)
Sounds good to me craig always have a blast when im out with you lads, are you starting a fred and what date ish ar we looking at?....getting all excited now :D
hi all just bought a disco 200tdi and im looking to find some local lanes ive had a look around were i live but i havent found any could anyone help me as i really would like to try out my new landrover as i have never done this before does anyone know of any lanes were i can go thankyou all.:)
Madhatter - join us Sun 3rd 0930 outside Fox House Inn, Hathersage. I'll be driving thru Chesterfield on my way there about 9 if you want to meet on the way. pm me if you wish
Pocketrocket , can do what sort of date will suite everbody??

Let me know and will get 1 started.
hey craig the 17th might be a good date, gives people a bit of notice to get summthing organised, i know 200tdi ayre suggested the 10th personaly im easy on both dates, just giving anyone else a bit more notice ;) im cheekily hoping davidsally comes along aswel so he can take us down some of the cracking lanes we did last time.......(wink nudge!) as my knowledge is still a little bit limited compared, has anyone else got any routes thats planing on making it?
Well i defo cant make this weekend coming and not sure about weekend after either.
So if anyone else wants to start a thread with dates feel free,
And if i can make it i will be there.:crazy_driver:
No can do on 217h Pete. Laning all weekend in Wales. May be free on 24th but not positive as yet as a Shropshire trip might be that date. You missed a great day yesterday. See you soon I hope.

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