There has been a gang going round these 'ere parts for the last few weeks - that's why mr Plod tugged me on the way to work the other morning as he had been ordered to ANPR all Landies heading out of Leeds. Mines pretty un-nickable at the moment as it has no lift pump or fuel filter in it, plus they would have to nick the Megane first which would require a lift onto a flatbed of some description if the Froggy hype is to be believed ;)
Sorry to hear about your near theft and damage.

Anti theft device visibility is important here. A hidden switch wouldn't have stopped this attack.

I think a highly visible anti theft device is just as important. You want to stop them from attempting the break in. Not stop them once they are sitting inside.

I imagine a combination of visible deterrent and covert devices would be the best option.

Have to agree "Mad"! But I also, in the short term, feel a fkin' ambush is on the cards! The scumbags won't be able to stay away for long, their ickle goldfish brains won't let them. So I have bought a steering wheel lock with which I will batter them! They'll be stupid enough to try again this week as their mummies don't care about them so they can stay out all night 'n everyfink...
aye a jetlock handbrake lock thing is great except bruises yer ankle - but nice and sturdy. Have a full metal jacket too - like a clutch claw but better, but they dont seem to make em anymore.

Vehicle wiring products does keyed battery (or ignition feed) switches - top quality and good price.

One of those one-way clutch valves is a superb anti-theft device.

I know "someone" who lifts the drivers seat base out and fits a big thick screw in a hole under the base, poking up thru a hole but under the seat cushion, so it's an invisible but sharp "instant-justice" device. Just a thought. Probably illegal but I don't see how - if you're breaking into the car, surely its ure fault if yer ares gets shafted?
You could always do what my neighbour does!!

puts a 12 ball cartridge wired to his gates on his drive!!!!!!!!!! No one has nicked his 300tdi

don't recommend it but it helps

I also share his drive with my old 90 behind it..
I know "someone" who lifts the drivers seat base out and fits a big thick screw in a hole under the base, poking up thru a hole but under the seat cushion, so it's an invisible but sharp "instant-justice" device. Just a thought. Probably illegal but I don't see how - if you're breaking into the car, surely its ure fault if yer ares gets shafted?

As long as yu don't come out in a morning in a bit of a rush and forget it's there :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
If that were america you would get sued no doubt but we're in britain so good theft bugger off device screw under seat base
dun know if it applies here but lots of folk have a garage full of old tat, a £50 lawn mower, old washing machine and a kids bike, all in worth about £52.50
the expensive car which is higher up the 'lets nick it' list is parked on the road and not always outside yer house.
top tip: put the tat on the road and the car in the garage
we have armed police (machine guns) round my way on a near constant patrol (night vision at night) which is always a good theft-deterrant!

S'posse living next to Torness has one advantage..
Might sound obvious Dobie but what about a dummy camera on ya house? One with a flashing bullsh!t LED or something. Along with a PIR floodlight. Might just put them off. Also might alert you they have come back giving you just enough time to release the hounds!!
Might sound obvious Dobie but what about a dummy camera on ya house? One with a flashing bullsh!t LED or something. Along with a PIR floodlight. Might just put them off. Also might alert you they have come back giving you just enough time to release the hounds!!

Only Problem HuN is my dogs have fk all rights in law against the scumbags shoving a lollypop stick in my ignition to get mi defender nicked! (The security is seriously ****e eh!) I reckon they'll be back this weekend ****ed on their Diamond White shandies lol... So, they are gonna get plain ole ME! I am gonna straighten my door out with their head...
Hey, by the way, my mate whose Landy was nicked after a day of ownership got it back! Found in one piece apart from a shafted ignition!

How lucky is that!
us farmer types have got a good way of doin it .
in 2005 there was a quad bike / mini digger crime wave. like 30 nicked in the area. so we dug whole with a breaker on the digger in some concrete then you buy this kit .
it consiists of a steel tube . concret that into the ground
then you have a steel rod with a locking mech inside of it that locks up in the tube . you have this weird key thing too . the lock / key is angled in such a way you can get nothing but the key in it . so you but a fookin great chain around you axel then lock it to the concrete. its well good.
twinned with sentinel alarms that are tripped by movement you can be out there with your dog and yer 12 bore in 5 mins . then teach the fukers a lesson.
Some interesting comments here esp as I am about to become a landy owner (gulp).

The one I am picking up on Saturday has a Toad Cat 1 alarm with immobiliser, Jetlock handbrake lock, additional immobiliser and will be parked in an area covered by a PIR light.

Hopefully that and being parked next to a few days old New Holland T6050 should hopefully mean it is less desirable.

But saying that. You just can't stop these *$£&%'s. If they want it, they will either have it or damage it in the process. But like bloat above, the 12 bore should help persuade them ifI get time to get out there.

I may purchase some extra stickers to make it more obvious that it is protected by an alarm. Idea is to make em think twice before wrecking me car.

But open to suggestions from those more experienced.
dun know if it applies here but lots of folk have a garage full of old tat, a £50 lawn mower, old washing machine and a kids bike, all in worth about £52.50
the expensive car which is higher up the 'lets nick it' list is parked on the road and not always outside yer house.
top tip: put the tat on the road and the car in the garage
well i listened to slob :confused: put all me ****e on the rd 90 in garage got £80 fine fer littering cheers:mad:
you need the james brown alarm like the one in robocop at the begining of the film.....

I have a multilock fitted to my freelander, its like a lock that is fitted to the transmisson tunnel with one way bolts and a clamp that locks it in gear. dosnt look pretty but it dos the job....( not that anybody would want a 1800 petrol freelander )
****s arnt they....
id cut there fooking hands off if i court any scumbag breaking into any car let alone mine.
Flashbang available from theatre suppliers, wired to cheap pressure pad within seat, uses little 9v square batt to set the device off when you close the circuit by sitting on the seat. Will scare the **** of the bugger, leave them with ringing ears for a good few hours, but non permanent damage. Will leave a powdery residue, but easy to clean up, plus may be enough to alert you.

Now, in some cases, where motorbikes are targeted from garages sheds etc, the flashbang is placed within a tin of paint and the circuit closed with a simple switch, when the buggers come along, open the garage doors, flash, bang, splat, they get covered in the paint, make it a lurid colour......

For the total nasty, it has been suggested that sometime the tins also contains small nails, runny dog dirt etc, but that would be really extreme.

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