Dr evil
First of all I would like to congratulate you on the user name it really does sum you up!
If you have even seen Austyn powers, I bet you are a bald, greasy p***k that got bullied at school !!!!
You don't drink or smoke because you never leave the ####ing house because you have no ####ing friends ! You probably married to your sister you interbred ####tard !!!!
Just because some young lad has something you don't you get jelouse hahahaha ! With your s****y old landrover you've probably been trying to restore the last 40 years of your boring little life !
FairPlay to the geeza for have 10k to spend on a landy at the age of 20 !
If it makes you happy I spent 18k on my second car witch is a 59 plate defender and I was 21 ha ya p***k !
I'm probably going to get banned from the fourm because of this but I don't care cuz every last word of this is worth it !
Now go and do us all a favour and go plan in the motorway u stupid ####ing #### !
On another note I vote defender mate !
My insurance is ####ing ridiculous yeah but I've been done for drink driving and speeding (unfortunate I didn't hit into doctor evil and write the #### off!)
All the best dude !
Let me know what you get
Snigger grumpy noob is grumpy
Now if you wish to insult someone firstly learn to spell………..how retarded must you be to spell jealous as "jelouse" ? No doubt if you're shouting about school you never went there if not you'd be more capable of crafting a decent insult.
I don't drink or smoke because;
a) smoking is a horrid habit that only serves to kill you faster than time intended, it stinks and tastes horrid
b) drinking is all good but I don't need to get hammered every weekend do I, if you do it just proves that you're a rather pathetic fool who obviously has less social skills when sober than Piers Morgan
I haven't married anyone but if you're that bothered feel free to look back at some past threads and you can check out who I'm with, as the other cnut discopol will vouch for she's rather hot, no doubt another pretentious insult attempt due to you being some spoilt inbred who has married his sister in order to keep the trust fund going.
No doubt you too are a spoilt arsehole if you feel the need to state that you spent 18k at 21 and that you have a drink driving conviction…..
If you had hit my vehicle in your s****y little 106 that you like to frequent other forums with then you wouldn't be here right now, that, and you live in the inbred south. Now were you such a smart arse and so high and mighty anyway you would not have been caught or even have attempted to drive drunk now would you

it appears to me that you're as retarded and petty in real life as you have come across here.
Anyway I have to get to the workshop now, if you manage to think up an accurate insult that is correctly spelt [("plan in the motorway") doesn't make sense] and doesn't describe yourself or how stupid you are with regards to drinking and operating heavy machinery, please feel free to write it down and I'll see if I can be bothered humouring you and your trolling attempts this afternoon