47 Defenders stolen this year from High Peak. That's probably £500,000 worth of vehicles. You'd think the police would see that as a priority and make an effort to catch the thieves.

Why? It's easier to catch speeders. They have probably 'accidently' recorded the thefts as motoring offences anyway instead of thefts.:rolleyes:
I have a self dialler silent alarm fitted with its own ups, and a ring fenced tracker , I lost a two axle caravan, and that had hitchlock, and two wheel clamps and was behind a chained gate . Thats what decided me to go covert . They will think they are away free , and will get a big surprise :)
Another satisfied land rover owner:D

According to our local paper "the derbyshire times" theres been 47 defenders stolen around these parts in the past few months, I think the only thing you can do is make it hard for them, but at the end of the day, if they want it then they will find a way of getting it, even if that meens breaking into your house and stealing the keys first !:eek:[/qu

the real figure is around the 7o mark and still rising:eek: not the 47 derby times quoted,
I know that this is getting slightly off topic, but the police in Buxton have responded to the theft of the Defenders in the High Peak area by offering diskloks at cost price (about £45), which is a pretty decent saving. I picked mine up from them a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure if they're still offering them.

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