
Well-Known Member
Have had a search around but everything i've read just says it can be done not how.

I've only got the one fob and could really do with a spare. How do I go about programming a new fob with a Nanocom Evo?

Easy. But you have to make sure you get the right fob (I got the wrong one to start). Mine finally worked with a 3TXD (and 17TN) that I got from eBay. Initially, I got a 3TXA and that didn't work (so on a side note, if anybody wants to buy a 3XTA fob, let me know...). Also, check the PCB inside is stamped with the right model (I also bought another that had one model number on the external plastic casing but the board inside was different).

- Go to AS10 module on nanocom
- Then Utility (on second page)
- I did an RF test to make sure it worked first
- Then do PIP LEARN and press your buttons (I think it tells you what to do)

However, again by finding out the hard way, I also had to set other settings in the AS10 right first (PLIP IMMOBILISE and ARM ON LOCK in settings etc.)

That's how I got mine working anyhow, good luck....fairly simple process
Cheers. Just got to find out which one i need then!

3TXD or 17TN for an AS10 :) If you already have a fob, it will be on the back in teeny tiny writing (failing that, crack it open and it might be printed on the circuit board inside)
Lying bastid! Lucas 17TN on the case 3TXD on the chip! Thanks :D

Ha. Maybe they are one in the same, who knows! Either of those should work with yours though :)

I think theres sometimes a difference when people buy/sell on eBay and chop and change putting new buttons and cases on etc..
Done! :D super simple process.

Just have to keep pressing one of the buttons until the horn sounds or the hazards flash. Then straight after do the other fob.

Glad I finally have a spare!
Seems that way! £13.99 inc delivery not bad i dont think!
That seems like a good price, where did you get it?
I was looking to try and find a different key fob maybe one with a key blade built in like the BMW or Audi. The standard one I have drives me nuts because the buttons are so easy to press accidentally when you hold the keys in your hand, so many times I open the door jump in, then the doors lock and the alarm starts blaring out, neighbors just smile but you can see what they are thinking.
That seems like a good price, where did you get it?
I was looking to try and find a different key fob maybe one with a key blade built in like the BMW or Audi. The standard one I have drives me nuts because the buttons are so easy to press accidentally when you hold the keys in your hand, so many times I open the door jump in, then the doors lock and the alarm starts blaring out, neighbors just smile but you can see what they are thinking.

Ha, I have the same problem.

I paid £8.99 for a spare, I think I 'made an offer' with this guy but doesn't look like he does that anymore. There is a 17TN on there for £12.99

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