
New Member
Hi i have defender td5 and sometimes wont start and the indications i get when problem occurs is no engine management light or glow plug light the temperature gauge goes to maximum even with cold engine and the fuel pump doesn't work and five minutes later it will be all OK but this can happen totally at random which any ideas anyone thanks Paul :doh:
I had this on mine.
It is one of the relays under the drivers seat next to the ECU, it was a yellow one if I remember rightly.
It too me ages to track this down, I thought it was a dodgy earth and spent ages cleaning them all up.
but it was the relay, change it and problem solved!
Good luck!
relays and fuses ratling loose or corroding on TD5's is a common fault. It's good practice to give em all a wiggle on a regular basis to help maintain a good electrical contact.
Exactly the same problem! Pesky yellow relay. would never have found it without help from forum. Thank you all:)
I've got the same problem, is the yellow ralay just a normal one or what do I ask for when I order one?
Glad I joined this Forum! It gave me the answer that I've been looking for for some time. Diagnosed by a reputable Landrover garage as a fuel pump issue - 'cure' to pump the accelerator pedal five or six times to activate the pump. Have spent fruitless hours doing this - then realised this must be an intermittent electrical fault - as MFI light does not go on when ignition is turned and the temp gauge shoots up to the max. When the MFI light goes on - then engine starts perfectly. Now just got to get a new relay!

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