
New Member
Hi heres a strange one which I'd be grateful for advice on.
Im on my 3rd TD5 Hardtop, this one is the newest so far being a 2005 model.
It drives fine but on two occasions I have experienced the strangest clutch symptoms.
I cover about 1000 miles a week with no problems, the last clutch change was about 60,000 ago but there is no slippage or difficulty selecting gears.
Twice now though - both when manouevering slowly into parking spaces and just edging the clutch to biting point the clutch pedal has shot part way to the floor and there is a strange tinkling/grating/rubbing noise which can be heard loudly inside and out of the vehicle....a bit like the noise gears make when crunching together.....almost like metal parts are touching each other at high speed...and coming from the bulkhead area. Im sure the engine begins to falter too and on the last occasion the engine management light came on and stayed on until the engine was next turned off and back on. Taking it out of gear and pressing the clutch down again all is normal and it can't be replicated.
I did think it could be a hydraulic leak but what would the metal to metal noises be? Surely the clutch would just engage if the pressure failed and the vehicle would lurch forward or stall immediately. I also considered clutch fork problems but they seem to indicate the whole lot seizes up or depressurises if the operating rod goes through the fork.
Like I said its only happened twice in 6 weeks. My worry though is that it's advance warning of something more major.
Any ideas??
looking at what other people say they are experiencing a screeching noise but the clutch seems to be working normally - mine is like the clutch pedal collapses and then the whole lot sounds like a jangling noise of metal and grinding. As i say though after taking it out of gear and pressing the clutch back down restores it to normal.

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