Anyone tried to put the starter battery under the bonnet of a Defender TD5?

I want to put two deep cycle batteries under the seats and thought the starter battery may go under the bonnet (maybe if the coolant bottle was relocated), as there isn't anywhere else it could really go.

cos I take a lot of kit that needs battery power.....and I like the idea of two deep cycles side by side!!!

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Have you re-located your computer unit? keeps oil from going down the harness and gives you the extra under seat spece you might need for that?
What a great idea - never thought of that!! Where does it relocate to? Is it under the bonnet or somewhere else? Do you know who supplies the best extension harness, or whatever it needs?


the harness is long enough to move the comp unit to the back of your center seat together with fuse box etc etc, we have done this mod to all our vehicles, not for extra space but to try and keep them out of the water as we operate safaris in the okevango delta in Botswana, will post pics if you are unsure, just let me know

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