george man

Active Member
Hey again:)

So i want to replace some of my dash lights as a few bulbs have gone but i've now discovered that some of the white plastic mounting thingys have either melted or broken so the bulbs are just hanging loose behind the dials!

I'm not really sure what to call the white plastic bits so despite my best efforts i'm at a bit of a loss as to what to search for when looking to replace them!

Does anyone have any advice as to what to look for and a good place to buy them?

Thanks for your replies... it may be the case that the bit i'm on about is actually mounted to the gauges rather than a part that can be replaced... i need to take everything apart and have a good look!

I've just come across this image online... it's the white plastic tubes that are gone on some of mine... are they replaceable?
This has been discussed before, somewhere, and there is a solution but I can't remember what it was!
I'm sure someone will remember it though...
Don't think it can be fixed without taking the gauge apart. I have the same issued with my temp gauge. Make sure you only use the correct (think it's 3watt) bulbs, any higher will melt the holders - as I and many others have discovered.
I'm guessing that's what the previous owner had done as a few of the holders are melted out!
So it's built right into the gauge? That's a pain!!
They seem to be a two piece item, glued together in place in the gauge - the bulb holders then just push in. I tried to repair mine with glue, but just made a mess. People have split the gauges and sorted them, but making a decent job of it would require time and patience.

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