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after a bit of info for a mate, he has an 04 defender(he's a doctor in dartmoor;)), but likes his music and wondering if he can upgrade the speakers in it? Havent looked myself but apparently the doors are pretty shallow, making it quite difficult to find speakers to fit:(

Wondered if anyone has upgraded the speakers and could reccomend any that fit, would be much appreciated

I made up two boxes from MDF (about 8" x 11") and fitted 6x9" speakers in them, then put them in the back and wired up. I put the boxes at the back on the wheel boxes under the back windows. The difference is amazing!
Cheers, i guessed that wouold be one option, but not sure he is too handy with a saw, just wants somat bolt in:rolleyes: And i am not making em for him:p
I have been looking into the same and whilst there is plenty of depth under the dashboard for enhanced front speakers the space in the rear is crap. I have been trying to source "speaker rings" or collars which are basically an adapter that mounts the speaker further into the passenger compartment. Speaker mounted to ring which is mounted to original location.
So far I have only found a source of MDF ones. I'm sure I remember plastic ones being available years ago? Anyone?
you can put them just above the foot well, you will need to drill holes, you could probably put them straight in. in mine i have subwoofer box from motor world (bit kevy) and put some 8" tri-components through an amp, its very loud.
Gotta say, I bought a couple of free standing boxes for the back of my III. They were really reasonably priced, no holes to cut, the sound's wicked (yeah, even above a diesel III!) & as I've said elsewhere I had to wire up the blue LEDs just for irony (it'd satisfy the Kev' in anyone!)
doubled the value tooo! :) wow I like it in here its all pink and fluffy with led's and everything!
I just added two new speakers in the headlining above the door (catch end) give great sound and as they are quite close to your ears volume doesn't have to be v.high to hear over engine!
Cheers guys, good info:cool:

I was going to suggest he just buy a new quality headunit, as i assume the original is a bit pants anyway (and he needs an ipod connection:rolleyes:), and add a seperate active sub box in the boot (one of those amp/sub box jobbies) and see how it goes. I know decent alpine h/u have crossovers in them so you can remove the bass from the front speakers, which sounds better, they dont boom/rattle so much cranked up. Ideally i wanted to get him to stick component speakers in the front, so you get tweaters too, sticking em in the top in the headlining sounds like a good idea.

I know in my pug changing the h/u made a world of difference, especially if the original speakers arent actually that bad:)

anyone put a new h/u in? If so can you point us in the direction of the right connectors and surround for it;)

marcus, where did you get the boxes from?

philthy - whats wrong with mdf, just spray em, cover em in a little box cloth or cut/wrap some ally sheet over em (could even use chequerplate:rolleyes::D)
Great info - thanks. MDF is an option - guess I'm just lazy!!! :D

I was looking at an Alpine 9847R with Ipod interface box - had a squizz at Halfords and it seems quite good for the money.

the Alpine 9847R Is a great unit, have had 2 alpine h/u and both have been awesome, my current one is the previous version of this without ipod features, and i love it.

Very clear, sweet sounding, lots of power and all the features you could want, the sound delay feature makes them sound so much better then most other units when set up right, its like surround sound, bloody great. doesnt look that pretty, but then it is going in a defender:D

you wouldnt regret it, this is the h/u i was going to recomend to my mate, Oh and dont buy from Halfrauds, its a fair bit cheaper on the net, try kelkoo for prices;)
Thats great news. Nice to have positive feedback from someone before you purchase.

Halfrauds :D - Having worked in the motor trade in a former life, I do share your sentiment.They have the 9847R on offer at £199 including the Ipod Interface and free fitting. I know I could easily fit it myself but what bother - the best prices I've seen on the net for the Head Unit are around £130 and the Interface about £60 so it seems a reasonable deal???

Unless anyone knows of a better deal???:)
All i would say is if you can afford it, go for the Alpine CDA-9853R , as this includes the inbuild crossovers and time correction functions, which are awesome, and give great soundstaging in most cars, bit more messing, but if you like quality sounds its one of the best h/u's around. But for the money that deal sounds good, the lower alpines do most of the work, and if your no adding subs or anything will do the job pretty damn well, certainly better than anything else for £140, or £200 for that matter:cool: media expander is great, just press a button and it sorts out dodgy mp3's and makes radio sound good too:)
I was thinking of making a shallowish box over the head with a few speakers inserted stretching the width of the landy and attaching it to the holes where the "dog guard" would fit ( above the seat belt fitting). This way it can be taken out easily if required.
Having a diesel its good to have the speakers as close to the ears as possible ;)
Has anyone seen an Alpine 9850 ? They seem to be new out with Ipod lead and no additional box.

Really don't know whether to go for the 9847 kit or this new 9850. There seems to be no info on the Apline site either.

As for speakers, I am thinking of a set of 10Cm components up front, mounting the tweeters on the dash, a set of 10cm coax in the rear std mounts - I purchased a set of Pioneer speaker rings on ebay for £1. I might also try an Alpine 1600 powered sub as it looks like it might mount easily on the back of the cubby box.

Any suggestions or ideas? I am trying not to clutter the inside up but still get a reasonable sound. (My missus won't let me mount any large speaker cabs etc.):( so something subtle would keep her happy.:D
Cool, looks like another great h/u from alpine, its a slightly better spec more like the 9853, as its the flip down 50W type which look neater. Should be as good if not better than the 9847 anyway. As i said the 9853 is the next unit up , and form what i know is better for running the ipod as it has a glide touch rail like the ipod. It also has the time correction,parametric EQ and i-Personalize feature over the other 2, but is more £££

As for speakers, do they have to be 10cm for both, they would be fine as rears, but you could do with at least 13cm up front for midrange frequencies. And unless you have 16cm+ or 6x9's you will definately need a sub to get the low freq anyway (<100Hz)

Cool bananas!

So you don't think it's a daft plan. I had a go with the glide thingy on a 9853 and it was a bit pants - it would take some getting used to. I read a few reviews and it seems to be a bit of a love / hate thing.

Bought and fitted an Alpine 9850Ri to me landy on Friday. Dead easy job and me Ipod is happily located in the cubby box.

I haven't got around to buying new speakers yet but the difference in sound quality (even with the 4 Std LR speakers) is absolutely unbelievable .:eek:

The ipod is also much less susceptible to jumping than the standard CD player.
Philthy said:

Bought and fitted an Alpine 9850Ri to me landy on Friday. Dead easy job and me Ipod is happily located in the cubby box.

I haven't got around to buying new speakers yet but the difference in sound quality (even with the 4 Std LR speakers) is absolutely unbelievable .:eek:

The ipod is also much less susceptible to jumping than the standard CD player.

nice one, told you you cant go wrong with alpine;) it just gets better with decent speakers, especially if you go component, then an amped sub in the rear and your laughing:D

You dont have to be a Max muppet to like music loud, i like bassy music and have a decent home stereo, but spend 2hrs a day in my motor, so it needs to sound good too, nowt wrong with that:) Evan a landy can sound good if you try;)

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