
Has anyone got an idea where I can get a removable steering wheel and boss lock kit for an early defender 90...? Is anyone using one out there...?
The Bay of Fleas is your friend, with prices from around sixteen quid to over three hundred pounds sterling.
Try looking instead of asking others to do all the legwork for you!
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Snap-Off (brand-name) were a very good option, I had one fitted to my 90 for several years and had no problems with it whatsoever (the photos shown below were from when I was selling it) .
It was ideal for me as I was using a 12-inch Raid wheel and it was so small that whenever I left the vehicle I took the wheel off and put it in my man-bag. This changed however when I fitted a 14-inch Momo wheel and that didn't fit the bag quite as well so I decided to do away with the Snap-Off adaptor and use a Disklok instead.

As already stated, the Optimill adaptor is also a very good solution.

Beware that with any of these adaptors you will be increasing the distance between the wheel and the stalks.
This isn't such an issue any more as there are slim bosses out there so you won't notice much of a difference (especially if you use a flat wheel and not a dished one) but when I did mine these weren't available, it was a bit of a stretch and meant that you had to take your hand off the wheel to operate the stalks. To overcome this I had a slim boss made up that resolved the issue, even though I sold the Snap-Off adaptor several years ago I am still using the slim boss as it is as good as any of the commercially available ones now available.


Fitted a 48 spline Optimil with Momo steering wheel, would recommend, but check yours isn't a 36 spline

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