The Cowshed

New Member
As the title says my concern is over my Defenders security or the lack of it should i say.....

Since having my Defender ive turned into a paranoid curtain twitcher..:( always waking up at night checking shes still there....:eek::eek:

Before i go down the expensive route of alarms ect... is there any easyish DIY ways to prevent the thieving bast*rds from pinching my pride and joy??

Got the usually strearing locks, clutch lock ect... But other than moving into the rear of my defender 90 (bit cramp) am at a loss...

Was thinking along the lines of isolation swiches things like that...

Thanks in advance....:D:D:D
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20ft high, 3 foot thick re-enforced concrete wall, look out towers and 12 feet of razor wire.

Or park it in the Korean DMZ ;)
Started out thinking fuel solonoid with a hidden switch, but was 'talked' out of it by the LZ community in favour of:

1) Disklock
2) Clutch Claw
3) Professionally fitted Thacham Cat 2 Immobiliser
4) Parking where a flat loader would find hard to get
5) Parking with steering on full lock - harder to drag!
7) Tiger in rear

Have done 1 - 3 and 5. Tried to use Airedales for (7) - they preferred to eat the back of the seats :D

Truth is, if the b**tards want it they'll take it - just make it as hard as possible in the hope that:

a) they move onto an easier target
b) they are so delayed they get interrupted

Have seen some threads around improving door locks - personally wouldn't bother. They'll just make more of a mess of your door, and with aluminium skins they aren't exactly strong!
Started out thinking fuel solonoid with a hidden switch, but was 'talked' out of it by the LZ community in favour of:

1) Disklock
2) Clutch Claw
3) Professionally fitted Thacham Cat 2 Immobiliser
4) Parking where a flat loader would find hard to get
5) Parking with steering on full lock - harder to drag!
7) Tiger in rear

Have done 1 - 3 and 5. Tried to use Airedales for (7) - they preferred to eat the back of the seats :D

Truth is, if the b**tards want it they'll take it - just make it as hard as possible in the hope that:

a) they move onto an easier target
b) they are so delayed they get interrupted

Have seen some threads around improving door locks - personally wouldn't bother. They'll just make more of a mess of your door, and with aluminium skins they aren't exactly strong!

you forgot about the old wiring a HID ballast to the inside of your door handles :D
i have mine chained to a lampost with a £200 pound chain locked with a £100 padlock .steering lock and alarm .with the money i've spend on getting my truck cab 90 looking as good as she do'es .well at least i think she do' spent on security to keep your landy safe is money well spent .do whatever it takes to stop the bastards taking your motor
i have mine chained to a lampost with a £200 pound chain locked with a £100 padlock .steering lock and alarm .with the money i've spend on getting my truck cab 90 looking as good as she do'es .well at least i think she do' spent on security to keep your landy safe is money well spent .do whatever it takes to stop the bastards taking your motor

Next thing you know, you'll come one morning and find out that the 90 is there, but they've nicked chain, padlock, and lamp post...

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