lee s

New Member
i have replaced my screen and rubber seal,used some cord and it went in well on the second attempt.it appears to be letting water in when i go round a corner i have a nice little tide that goes from side to side.i have checked the rubber and it seems to fit well.
has anyone had this problem before before i start grabbing for the seal gun?
Did you make sure that the rubber went back on in exactly the same position that it came off?
Have you bought a good quality screen or an unbranded cheapy? (The cheapies can be a lot thinner)
When you corded it in did you see any cracking in the rubber?
although you have pulled the seal lip to the frame the seal may not be seated in the frame, we thump the seal to seat it home, you will be surprised how far it goes in...
the screen was a geniune one by pilkington,i used a new rubber,i put the seam at the bottom like the original one was-
it was pretty tight to get in so think the glass was a good,do you think maybe the little seam could have gave a bit????
does anyone know which sealer is best for this application,i want to be able to change glass in future:rolleyes:

i hope it is seated in,there is no leak around the rubber its kind of round the glass by the looks of it...
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you arn't clear on what you are saying, but in leaving the factory they don't let water in, so look at what you think you have done? hit the edge of the 'seal to glass edge' it will reseat in the frame
regards sealer - if the frame is wet no sealer will disperse the water, then seal (not that is available to the DIY market, as I know)
you must have done summit wrong when we replaced mine it took a lot of pushing and pulling to get it to seat in properly,once the rubber was fitted the screen still had to be pushed in a tad to fully locate properly in the frame recess
thank you wiltshire landyman
he's done well but not seated the rubber fully in the surround, it maybe just one section? a thump on the wrong screen type may break it.
So, spend time to remove it, dry it out and try again
The nice man from the insurance company came and did mine. The excess on the insurance was less than the cost of the screen and seal :)
the screen was a geniune one by pilkington,i used a new rubber,i put the seam at the bottom like the original one was-
it was pretty tight to get in so think the glass was a good,do you think maybe the little seam could have gave a bit????
does anyone know which sealer is best for this application,i want to be able to change glass in future:rolleyes:

i hope it is seated in,there is no leak around the rubber its kind of round the glass by the looks of it...
If there is an Auto-Glass depot anywhere near you, why not go in there and 'ask for advice'?

I'm sure that one of them would help you out in return for a beer token or two. :D
thankyou for the help.it doesn't leak around the rubber between the frame it is getting into the recess where the glass sits in the rubber????
Got some funny looks last night but i set to the screen with my head torch and air line,it was the little seam in the rubber,in manufacture the mould was out and left a really small gap one side about 2mm (air bubbles when i blew air from inside)
i dryed it and blew all the water away and put a little sealer in the gap.
Thanks again for the help!!!

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