
Just took the rear door handle mechanism off and want to remove the lock cylinder but there is no hole in the side to poke anything in. New rear door handle has a hole on the barrel. All the threads I can find on here talk about sticking something into the hole to remove the barrel with the key but what do you do if there is no hole? Do I need to saw off the whole cylinder or is there another way to get it out?
Picture attached of old and new.
Attack it with some emery cloth, there should be a hole there somewhere ...
Thanks @miktdish - there really is no hole. I have been scraping away to see if it was covered by dirt and corosion and even resorted to drilling a couple of exploratory holes but all to no avail. Think I am just going to have to replace all the door locks.
I'm surprised at that ... i'd have reached for the grinder and cut it off flush, then down each side to get the barrel out.
Some older latch mechanisms don't have the hole to remove the lock barrel. If you can't find any other way then you'll have to drill it out I'm afraid
Just took the rear door handle mechanism off and want to remove the lock cylinder but there is no hole in the side to poke anything in. New rear door handle has a hole on the barrel. All the threads I can find on here talk about sticking something into the hole to remove the barrel with the key but what do you do if there is no hole? Do I need to saw off the whole cylinder or is there another way to get it out?
Picture attached of old and new.View attachment 251486

There’s a britannica restorations video on YouTube on how to get that out.
Thanks @payydg those are great videos - I am learning a lot from messing this job up! Off to get some powdered graphite!

His series of videos are by far the best on youtube, probably anywhere. Covers pretty much anything. I also ordered some powdered graphite when i watched it

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