
Hi there I have been wondering about this for a few years but why is it that Defenders hold their value so well ? £3k will just about buy a 15 year old one!
I did once and should have kept it! I just can't see why a comfortable discovery is half the value of a Defender of the same year! I have really abused my discovery and everyone says why don't you get a defender they were built to be abused!
I did once and should have kept it! I just can't see why a comfortable discovery is half the value of a Defender of the same year! I have really abused my discovery and everyone says why don't you get a defender they were built to be abused!

We have one of each: a fifteen year old Defender and a five year old Discovery.

The Discovery tries to be a luxury road car and fails: poor handling, no acceleration, variable noise automatic gearbox, horrific British Leyland style dash and switchgear.... need I go on.

The Defender tries to be an uprated tractor and triumphs. Pulls trailers like they aren't there, put sheep/ dogs/ rubble/ mountain bikes/ people in the back and hose it out afterwards, parts are dirt cheap and they are easy to maintain. Mine has a dent in every panel and it looks like it should.
The Defender tries to be an uprated tractor and triumphs. Pulls trailers like they aren't there, put sheep/ dogs/ rubble/ mountain bikes/ people in the back and hose it out afterwards, parts are dirt cheap and they are easy to maintain. Mine has a dent in every panel and it looks like it should.
I'll drink to that. They have their quirks but I would not be with out mine.
It earns its keep and is fun as well.
I have recently made the transistion through an L200 , Discovery ES , Land Cruiser Amazon to a Defender 90 which struggles with creatures comforts offset by the sheer fun of driving it and that go anywhere feel.
Yeah tell me about it, I need to take the Disco to the airport tomorrow to get the doris!

Maybe I will take the 90 and say the Disco was undergoing some work.
I think its more down to older defenders being more diy , and being less sophisticated have less things to go wrong , but dont see it lasting with the newer defenders as they are where the older discos were in the complexity ladder. The other thing is the market sizes , there are a lot more discos out there than defenders in the s/h market and buyers of discos are looking more for car qualities and are a lot more appearance concious so go for newer models sooner. When it comes to doing work both are pretty much of a muchness, tow with a disco or a 90 same sort of performance and ability. Bigger diff between disco and 110/130. re payload etc . JMHO
i have a defender 90 for sale want a 1k for it its a 1985 but needs a lil bit of work like mose defenders od but is a good motor
I think the main reason is that (most) people who drive discoverys want them to look good and want newer ones. Defenders, as said by someone else already, look just as good with dents as they do without. In fact, they're not exactly straight when they come out of the factory are they?! For that reason, a dented old one is still in big demand and we have to pay a good price for them.
i have just bought a 1987 land rover 90 with 78,000 all orginal gear bog standard tools not been used (cos they havent had 2) for 2k you tell me where you will find a disco that matches that and still has the same looks as it does when it came out of the factory
My neighbours loved me when I swapped the my noisey Transit van for my Discovery, They all thought I was going up in the world with a shiney landrover on the drive. 7 months on it's dented scratched and muddy, never washed and earns it's keep every day like a good landrover should, and the neighbours hate me again.

Disco's are just as good as Defenders but for different reasons, they're as easy to fix, as cheap to run and cheaper to buy. They are more comfortable, almost as practical and loads better than the Jap offerings, I'd love a Defender but they just cost too much, and I have a right arm which makes driving them imposssible without hanging out of the window.....
i've had "land rovers" for 25+ years now and i mean land rover not disco,range rover or hippo have driven a rrs, disco1 & 2, but would'nt swap either my old 2a i had or my 2 90's for any of them !

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