
New Member
I have a 91 defender petrol and it does an amazing 10 miles per gallon at best, I want to get LPG and wanted to know if anyone else has got it already?
Not quite sure whats going on with your defender but I also have a 91 3.5L V8 and i get 22mpg.......

Mine had an LPG kit on it when i got it, it has since been removed.

Performance was restricted, felt like it was bogging down on LPG. And there was a massive tank in the rear.
I can't comment on MPG figures for the 2.5, might be worth asking a few of the members here - prehaps in the series section.

It may be worth getting the carbs ballanced / good service and clean.

I personally didn't like LPG on mine - but i don't use mine every day and some people swear by it. Each to thier own.
I have a 3.9 carb engined Defender running on LPG. Compared to petrol, there is a noticeable drop in performance and a slight drop in economy. However, on LPG I can get 130-140 miles from £30. I think you may have an engine that is in need of a tune up, or you have a very heavy right foot. Even driving around town, I can get 15mpg on petrol.
Thanks, il post the mpg on a different one, I was only interested in the LPG due to the crappy mpg, the engine is fine, but I think it might be a carb
I have a 3.9 carb engined Defender running on LPG. Compared to petrol, there is a noticeable drop in performance and a slight drop in economy. However, on LPG I can get 130-140 miles from £30. I think you may have an engine that is in need of a tune up, or you have a very heavy right foot. Even driving around town, I can get 15mpg on petrol.

WE have a Discovery 3.9 V8 with LPG find it goes just as fast with LPG or petrol. :tea:
When I first got my 3.5 V8 110 I only got 10mpg out of it. After a good fettle and service I was getting around 18-20mpg.
hi richard i also have a 2.5 petrol csw 1986...and your mpg seems very poor,,im doing approx 17-20 mpg,,but i regular service it and keep it in good order,out of interest wot carb is on yours?

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