Graham Wilkinson

Active Member
I Own a defender 90 that is currently under restoration so looks in quite a sorry state (all exteria trim missing and in a nice grey primer under coat) but still became a target for the low life scum that have no or little respect for other peoples property and want to get there hands on some easy money!!! It is parked out the way in a quiet secure yard (possibly why it was a target) when some little (or large) T**t tried have it away causing damage to the steering column cowling as after removing the screws found it was still not removable because fog light and head light switches also help in securing it, but at least they tried and i still have the screws ha ha. From there i can see that they either got disturbed or didn't have a clue what they where doing as the wires that were cut had nothing to do with the ignition system, so luckily i still own my wreck of a 90!!!
But i have made a little security mod that might benifit other owners who dont have or cant afford a immobiliser system, i traced the injection pump stop solenoid wiring back to the bulkhead connector, cut it and wired a switch in to the loom and then run it to a easy to access place but out of the way of the scums eyes, so i can now switch off the pump and any attempt to hot wire it will fail unless they are reading this!!:p
Its not insurance approved but it makes me feel slightly more confident my motor will still be there in the morning
Or do this.
Thanks, Simple and effective but make sure its a weather proof switch cause being a landrover no mater where you mount it, it will get wet!!
Hay Redhead you must live in a posh area cause if you tried that in some places i know they would steal the wheel, trolley jack and the axle stand.

I do something similar in my 2a with the ignition cct and a hidden switch.
funny i should read this, we just had an attempted theft on one of our rangies (brooklands) and a freelander was actually taken, i just have a fuse i take out for the starter and or a fuel tap underneath.
its the fooking damage they do though even when it doesnt get taken, propper ****es you off, touch wood mine has never been touched and its only a few roads away from the others i just talked about.
i am presuming its ameture kids but the freelander hasnt turned up and cause they come from the factory with fooked head gaskets this thing cuts out as soon as it gets warm, can see the tyre marks in a local field from it but how it got any further considering it was on flat tyres aswell amazes me as it used to cut out and would even start up again once it reach operating temp?? bastids.

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