hmm, we ALLLL know about landy electrics.

I can just imagine it, get in, pull away and bzzzzzzzt..... water in the switch :)

50 mile range, hmmmm, always suspicious of these, its like the mpg on modern car, thats under ideal condition, no light, air con, stereo running, not a real world scenario.
I agree with Dr. Jeremy Clarkson, electric cars are not the answer, the battery's production and final disposal are far more damaging to the planet. Electric cars just a passing fad. No recharging points in the woods either.
They claim itll never be built. Now I know all car manufacturers come up with concept cars now and again that will never reach production but surely land rover would do better to use the cash from a project like this to develop the next defender. One that we will actually see on the roads
I agree with Dr. Jeremy Clarkson, electric cars are not the answer, the battery's production and final disposal are far more damaging to the planet. Electric cars just a passing fad. No recharging points in the woods either.

Not only that, but the electricity has to be generated in the first place, and the vast majority is still generated using fossil fuels, so until electricity is 100% generated from renewables it's merely moving the emissions from the exhaust to the power station.......
Firstly, if they say it'll have a 50 mile range, it'll probably be 35-40. Tops.

Secondly, it'll be a damned sight less once the batteries lose optimum efficiency (after a winter or two).

Thirdly, the cost of replacing all those batteries when they become gutless will probably write the vehicle off as well as creating a big stack of dead batteries - not exactly green then.

Fourthly, electric cars are a daft idea. I think the idea is being pushed and bankrolled by interested industry groups - battery and component producers etc.

Burn it.
Firstly, if they say it'll have a 50 mile range, it'll probably be 35-40. Tops.

Secondly, it'll be a damned sight less once the batteries lose optimum efficiency (after a winter or two).

Thirdly, the cost of replacing all those batteries when they become gutless will probably write the vehicle off as well as creating a big stack of dead batteries - not exactly green then.

Fourthly, electric cars are a daft idea. I think the idea is being pushed and bankrolled by interested industry groups - battery and component producers etc.

Burn it.

Sums it up nicely for me. :cool::cool:
I agree with Dr. Jeremy Clarkson, electric cars are not the answer, the battery's production and final disposal are far more damaging to the planet. Electric cars just a passing fad. No recharging points in the woods either.

Maybe a 50 mile range, but then the batteries will wear in no time, just like a battery drill. I bet they will cost a bloody fortune to replace.

We need a mesh grid over the whole country n we all have bumper cars..
I agree with Dr. Jeremy Clarkson, electric cars are not the answer, the battery's production and final disposal are far more damaging to the planet. Electric cars just a passing fad. No recharging points in the woods either.

you can get a portable charger for it,according to the article??
you can get a portable charger for it,according to the article??

Probably petrol/diesel powered, which makes the whole thing a bit pointless doesn't it?

They would have been better off having the charger on board to make it an extended range electric hybrid (engine kicks in to charge the battery if it gets low).
300v battery and water? Hmm. Mind you, fording a trout stream might have it's rewards....
The electric batteries currently fitted into these god awful machines only last around 7 years maximum and cost around £8K in todays money to replace... Which is absurd.

The battery the Prius uses uses parts from all around the globe and actually off sets its 'green' nature + you get better mileage from a VW Golf Diesel.

The better way is what Top Gear actually came up with, totally electric engine powered off a genny. Gives super high miles.
theres is a company in america doing a desiel electric. thety had it on top gear a while ago.
a deisel electric allows the engine to be set up to run at maximum efficiency 100% of the time, same as deisel trains then :)
I agree with Dr. Jeremy Clarkson, electric cars are not the answer, the battery's production and final disposal are far more damaging to the planet. Electric cars just a passing fad. No recharging points in the woods either.
I agree:)

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