
Active Member
Hi [yep me again:eek:]

Just had spare keys cut for my 1997 defender but wondered where you get another immobiliser key fob thing from, I have the black plastic stretched pointed oval type thing that has to be held near the ignition or you ain't going no where.

Do you have to go to a main dealer for these and are they expensive?

Cheers in advance

Hi [yep me again:eek:]

Just had spare keys cut for my 1997 defender but wondered where you get another immobiliser key fob thing from, I have the black plastic stretched pointed oval type thing that has to be held near the ignition or you ain't going no where.

Do you have to go to a main dealer for these and are they expensive?

Cheers in advance


This type?
Abacus Car Alarms Web Shop - Autowatch Transponder Key (Powered by CubeCart)

Autowatch remote controls

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