
Just looking for some info really, my blowers work only on the last 2 settings on the switch, and thought that was right, I have a 1994 300tdi, the first year of this model.
But today I went out with a friend and he has a 1998 model and he has got all the settings on his so made me think I have a fault.
Can anyone tell me if this is faulty, and if so what could it be.
Believe it or not the heater works quite well when I use it, but obviously its nearly always on full tilt so quite noisy and not a lot of control.
I would appreciate any input.
Yeah mine only has 2 settings aswell, one almost at the end of the lever travel and one right at the end :confused:
mine works quite well but most of the travel in the switch is useless. seems to only kick in when nearing full setting. last few digits.
i'd say your mates is the rarity.. as opposed to being normal.
I'm a tad confused...

Are you referring to the actual blow rate which is controlled by the lever on the left hand side? Is it powerful and effective when set to the last setting.? I would expect it just to gradually intensify the further down the settings you go, maybe on the lower setting you simply don't notice it as much, that's similar to mine. :)
A non air-con vehicle of that age only has two fan settings.

With the fan lever up the internal flap is closed and no air can flow through the heater.
As you lower the lever the flap opens and allows free-flow of air caused by the forward motion of the vehicle.
The two fan speeds are brought in as the lever reaches the lower range of travel.
Thanks for all the replies, I thought there was only 2 settings, and yes on the last 2 stations.
My mates has either had some sort of upgrade, or the later models have a better system.
Im glad its not a fault with the heater its self as they seem to be quite expensive.
I only use it to demist as I have an eberspacher heater for the winter.
yeah, what do you guys do to improve defogging the windows, or just like me drive around with my head oustide the window? :D
Yeah that's pretty much it. That and a cloth kept for wiping the windows. My heaters work pretty good
whats wrong with the standard set up mine works properly and is pretty effective

Webasto/Ebersprachers you can turn on remotely to thaw out the car and get a nice toasty coupé when it's cold outside. When running the normal heater is fine - got no complaints about the heater in my 'Fendy.
Webasto/Ebersprachers you can turn on remotely to thaw out the car and get a nice toasty coupé when it's cold outside. When running the normal heater is fine - got no complaints about the heater in my 'Fendy.

in that case go find a dead rover 75 cdt or cdti,remove the diesel burning webasto and plumb it into your fender
2 is a luxury mine has 1! that's on or off and it can only go on hot as some previous turd ripped the cabling out

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