
I have a Defender 90 200 tdi. When I accelerate, there is a grinding noise when the vehicle is moving. The noise becomes rapid when I increase speed, appears to be grinding at a particular spot, like something turning or in motion. Steering, alternator belts changed a few months ago, no noise, but noise occurred recently. Where do I tell the mechanic to start checking, from the lowest to highest cost, simple to complicated work involved?
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Yes, obviously, mechanic has ears, but he hears not... Seriously, what are the possible faults that require repairs/maintenance?
Had a similar problem with mine a while back. Turns out to be the swivel housing had no lubricant in. Worth topping up. Or maybe grease the prop shafts. Both easy and cheap to do. Only cost of oil or grease. Could be uj's on props. Again not expensive and can do yourself if you have a few sockets and a vice.
Get it up to speed on a straight clear road. Push the clutch in and let the engine go to tickover, if the noise doesn't change then it will probably be drivetrain related, if it disappears then something engine related (or ancillaries)
Nope. Hardly driven, only occasionally on city roads, my weekend ride. It's been a long time since driven off-road, or done river crossing.
Kwakeman, FMog, defenderman2, it's the belts again. How do I prevent rust from forming on pulleys? This affects the belts, resulting in the grinding noise, it appears. Shall monitor hereon.
Unfortunately you can't really put anything on the pulleys as it will transfer to the rubber on the belt. Well nothing I'm aware of anyway. A little bit of pitting/rust on the pulleys shouldn't cause a grinding noise. Maybe for a few seconds or minutes maybe whilst it was being rubbed off after sitting for a while but not continuous. Have you checked all the pulley bearings? And check the belt hasn't got any chunks or big splits in it.
Kwakeman, FMog, defenderman2, it's the belts again. How do I prevent rust from forming on pulleys? This affects the belts, resulting in the grinding noise, it appears. Shall monitor hereon.
If you are not driving it much, then at least fire it up and let the engine tick over for ten minutes every weekend. When you are driving it, try to get some speed up to give it a bit of a blow out and exercise the brakes hard a couple of times. (when safe to do so) This should help prevent your rust and keep other important systems from seizing up. :)
Belts are squeaking again, after me workshop mechanic said he got rid of rust from pulley bearings. Shall try your suggestion, AI203. Will this still do the trick?
pulley bearings?

is it the pulley being rusty or the bearings being shot? if it's bothering you so much, then replace the pulley, bearing and belt :)
How is it that the pulley can rust within 2 weeks? Landy was running fine without squeaks until today...
you aren't being clear about what's rusty. is it the pulley or is it the bearings? and which pulley are you on about?

'got rid of rust from pulley bearings' almost sounds like he reused the bearing after giving it a clean and lube.
Belts are squeaking again, after me workshop mechanic said he got rid of rust from pulley bearings. Shall try your suggestion, AI203. Will this still do the trick?
Will what do the trick? Not sure what you mean there, my friend.
As Trax says, if a bearing is producing rust then it is time to change it. The surface is breaking down and will continue to do so, even if you clean it and put new grease in it.
AI203, your suggestion to fire up and let the engine tick over for 10 minutes if I don't drive much. Or, drive by speeding and braking. These tricks to prevent rust, will this work?
Hi, all, It was the pulley for the alternator belt that was rusty. Sandpapered the pulley. No squeaking or grinding noise since this was done about 3 weeks ago. I've been giving me Landy for a spin at least during weekends. Keeping my fingers crossed. This was after changing the belt twice, including once when it went totally kaput, overheating. Said belt connects the alternator with the cooling fan.
AI203, your suggestion to fire up and let the engine tick over for 10 minutes if I don't drive much. Or, drive by speeding and braking. These tricks to prevent rust, will this work?
Sorry, BoeingLoh, I missed this post :oops: It won't prevent things rusting as such, but will help prevent things seizing up.
Pleased you've got the noise sorted. These things can be both annoying and slightly worrying.

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