pie eater pete

Active Member
:mad: Am i right in thinkin it should just unscrew by hand?

Been outside in the f***in rain tryin to unscrew and the **** wont budge!!
yes - poke a big screwdriver through it if it doesn't - or wrap some rope around it and use a bar to twist it tight, and then try turning it

don't forget lefty loosey righty tighty
Erm. It might help if we knew what vehicle we were talking about here but all the LR fuel filters I've had require the bolt in the top of the housing undoing in order to remove the filter.
Cheers for replies Gents its a 90 200 tdi gonna nip out tomoro and grab an oil filter wrench as Sean suggested-bloody things stuck on solid!!
Cheers for replies Gents its a 90 200 tdi gonna nip out tomoro and grab an oil filter wrench as Sean suggested-bloody things stuck on solid!!
Why not just undo the bolt on the top of the filter housing? It'll save you going looking for a new housing after you've broken it.

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