
Go easy on me here ladies and gentlemen but..... please give me reasons to not put a defender front on my gorgeous beautiful half pink and rusty babe magnet of a series 3. Thanks in advance Chris :D
ok lets approach this question from another angle - why would you want to put a defender front on it ?

too much time on yer hands? - cos it looks "better" ?
Not enough time on my hands ! It'd because I have a spare one lying around really, i've seen the pictures and i'm undecided really, it isn't any more practical is it just more hard work I suppose. There will never be chequer plate near it, now that would ruin a series ! I'm just curious is all, I also have a series 1 front witht he lights complete, but that looks ridiculous fitted in the middle IMO.
It's a series 3, yes?
then its a series 3.
good way to devalue it, and render it less likely to be stolen.
Whats wrong with the Ed lights in the middle?

The series 1 and 2 and 2a all had ed lights in the middle (except for late 2a's)
its a very practical place to have them tucked out of harms way.

The only reason for putting a Defender grill on is to fit a v8 in.
Ooooooh fit a V8, now you've got me thinking.... I've got a spare 60,000 mile engine and gearbox and whole complete Range rover spare really !!!!!

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