I would never buy that, I buy the RTV sealant, available in the tubes, it keeps for ages.


Its not that but a similar cartage which I use on landys & BOATS it keeps for a long time too.
I also have rtv sealant in the normal tubes but the pressurised canisters are great to work
This Defender is fairly low mileage, the brake discs aren't at a stage where they need, doing, more a case that it would be more convenient to do them now whilst I have the time than in a month or two when it needs doing, so really I am in to just get the discs done and as little mess as possible, I have new gaskets for the drive members, I didn't get any new seals for the hubs, do they absolutely need replacing? Or should they be okay?

If you want my advice ALWAYS replace the seals. Virtually without exception they are single use items. You might get away with it if you’re careful. You might not. Beating you can have a feel and if smooth then good for a few more miles.
12 point socket for the bolts holding the discs to the hub.
Real pita job compared to normal cars.
Do one side at a time, jacked high enough so no diff oil can escape.
New seals everywhere once they have been disturbed, if you are not confidenrt to change the seals then perhaps you hould not be doing the discs?
If the car is doing low mileage, and the discs will need doing in a couple of months, then logic says they need doing now., ie the mileage now and in a couple of months will be much the same.

Power tools 1/2 hr a corner, hand tools double that.
Waht sort of driving does your Mum do? How long since they were last changed.

As you can imagine there are lots of questions, for example, my 90 spends a lot of time knee deep in mud and water. So I tend to have to change bearings and seals more than most.

If it is a road car, then you can probably go a lot further without changing bearings and seals.


Nearly all motorway miles, never anything off the road which is why I thought I would probably be okay not replacing seals, but what do you think?

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