Not accusing you of anything Dellboy. But whys your ebay acount is dellboytony and the forum name is dellboykev.
Would I be right in saying that yours was cut off about a foot up from the bottom of each upright?:rolleyes:

Whoever fitted the cage to that one on ebay obviously didn't bother sleeving the joins to add strength.:doh:

or painting over the welds to hide them. definitely looks a bit bodged together
hi i have just found out my land rover is on here the roll cage is not stolen it was made my an army metalsmith friend of mine and has been on the land rover for about 5 years and i dont appreciate comments about the wheels and winch been stolen i have been the victim of theft my self and would never steal or knowingly by stolen parts

So how/why did your 'army metalsmith friend' come to make an exact copy of a custom rollcage and then chop it off right where it needs to be the strongest (which just so happens to match the cut offs of a known to have been stolen rollcage) and then re-weld it again without sleeving the joint and in such a manner as to be consistant with the looks of said stolen roll cage whilst having the structural strength of a wet paper bag?

At least a simple chemical analysis of the composition of the metal of the alledged stolen cage versus the metal of whats left of the complainents cage can be made to PROVE that the cage that your 'army metalsmith friend' made 5 years ago IS NOT the same. IF it were the exact same chemical composition, the statement that YOU made about your mate making it 5 years ago would prove beyond a shaddow of a doubt that YOU KNEW where the cage was from and KNOW that it's stolen as it would show that you are lieing about how and where you aquired it. A good thief/fence would say that they bought it from a car boot sale or a landrover show or summit. At least you know the guy that made it personally and he'll be able to back you up that he DID make it and that he isn't aiding and abetting in the theft of and/or from a motor vehicle and the handling of stolen goods. If the metals turn out to be an exact composite match, your mate, being an 'army blacksmith' will also be able to testify in your defence for you in court how the 2 identical cages, manufactured at different times, by different people were made out of the same material and why being such an expert blacksmith he failed to allign and sleave the 'life saving' equipment.

It's good to know that you have so much faith that your dodgy looking cut and shut custom rollcage is an honest one although being the exact spitting image of a rather nice looking custom made but unfortunately chopped off and stolen cage. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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All of these thoughts have gone through my head time and time again! Some of my documents were in the car when it went first time - name, address etc hence I have taken no 'unorthodox'(albeit very satisfying) actions so far. The police have been informed, they checked the registered address and he is 'known' (I doubt he is ignorant of it's orginal source) so I have left it in their less than capable hands.

I must admit my old series 3 was stolen years ago and i accidently come acros it, there wasnt a shodow of dout that it was mine as i re-wired it, the whole thing myself! the police didnt do alot as some how the tags chassis number etc matched the reg... but we all no how easey it is to change these, i went and test drove it, asked him some arkward questions and the scally wagger seemed uneasey so natrally i knew it was mine, when you have worked on ur pride and joy YOU NO IT INSIDE OUT and it WAS MINE, so later that evening i BURNED IT... if i cannt have it no 1 can! soooo i feel ur pain mate, if y0u need a hand etc in "making a new 1"... PM me
are we saying the motors the same or the cage is the same?Looking at the checkerplate on the rear the cage doesnt quite match up in both pics:confused:
Originally Posted by dellboykev
hi i have just found out my land rover is on here the roll cage is not stolen it was made my an army metalsmith friend of mine and has been on the land rover for about 5 years and i dont appreciate comments about the wheels and winch been stolen i have been the victim of theft my self and would never steal or knowingly by stolen parts

So how/why did your 'army metalsmith friend' come to make an exact copy of a custom rollcage and then chop it off right where it needs to be the strongest (which just so happens to match the cut offs of a known to have been stolen rollcage) and then re-weld it again without sleeving the joint and in such a manner as to be consistant with the looks of said stolen roll cage whilst having the structural strength of a wet paper bag?

At least a simple chemical analysis of the composition of the metal of the alledged stolen cage versus the metal of whats left of the complainents cage can be made to PROVE that the cage that your 'army metalsmith friend' made 5 years ago IS NOT the same. IF it were the exact same chemical composition, the statement that YOU made about your mate making it 5 years ago would prove beyond a shaddow of a doubt that YOU KNEW where the cage was from and KNOW that it's stolen as it would show that you are lieing about how and where you aquired it. A good thief/fence would say that they bought it from a car boot sale or a landrover show or summit. At least you know the guy that made it personally and he'll be able to back you up that he DID make it and that he isn't aiding and abetting in the theft of and/or from a motor vehicle and the handling of stolen goods. If the metals turn out to be an exact composite match, your mate, being an 'army blacksmith' will also be able to testify in your defence for you in court how the 2 identical cages, manufactured at different times, by different people were made out of the same material and why being such an expert blacksmith he failed to allign and sleave the 'life saving' equipment.

It's good to know that you have so much faith that your dodgy looking cut and shut custom rollcage is an honest one although being the exact spitting image of a rather nice looking custom made but unfortunately chopped off and stolen cage. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Deleting a highly suspicious post after someone quotes it and explains about how it would prove that the poster of the suspicious post was either guilty of knowing it was stolen or that the item in question was in fact genuine doesn't look good. The fact that you have deleted said post could be used as evidence of your guilt as opposed to leaving it where it is to prove your innocence.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Thank you Ratty,

As I stated earlier, this roll cage was identical to the one on Big Blue prior to it being taken in Jan. The car was recovered in the same part of Liverpool where the other Landy was going for sale. My roll cage was custom made for / by the previous owner in Stafford. The Police are still keeping an eye on things. I'm not a detective but it was all too much of a coincidence for me.

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