Perhaps it's just me, read this and tell me what you think.

My 90 was stolen back in Jan (see much earlier thread), it was recovered but the distinctive, custom external roll cage had been cut off.

Just look at this - 250687775963 - it's for sale less than 15 miles away from where I live.

My profile picture shows my Landy as it was before it was stolen, compare the two and look closely.

It's not just me is it? They are one and the same parts!! ??

Oh and yes, I have contacted the police.

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Could you not put the pix of the landy and the one on ebay side by side here rather than us having to have 3 windows open to look...?
Would I be right in saying that yours was cut off about a foot up from the bottom of each upright?:rolleyes:

Whoever fitted the cage to that one on ebay obviously didn't bother sleeving the joins to add strength.:doh:
Apologies \Storm99 for not adding the photographs, I have tried but my IT skills are not the best in the world.

The points where it was cut match where this one on E-bay has had it re-welded Ratty.

As far as I'm concerned, it's too close to home and too much of a coincidence not to be the same one which was on my 90 originally.


Must say they do look very similar, Are there any particular marks or damage that you could help the rozzers determine whether this is yours or not ? (don't post them incase some searches reads and removes those indentifying marks, just a simple yes or know will suffice)


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if he's got your cage i wonder what poor sod's wheels and winch are on it.
has the hooky one got lights on the front ,can't quite see in pic, if yours did'nt then any brackets welded on will have the weld painted over with different paint to original.
send him an email go and have a look at the truck like you want to buy it, even test drive it.... right to the police station, lol,,, thats what id do
t.... right to the police station, lol,,, thats what id do

Or one better, if you are certain, test drive it right into a nice warehouse where you have a few mates waiting to nicely explain to him what happens when you borrow bits off other people's land rovers.
Or one better, if you are certain, test drive it right into a nice warehouse where you have a few mates waiting to nicely explain to him what happens when you borrow bits off other people's land rovers.

A moot point - but the peep selling it may not know the cage is stolen - he may have bought it in good faith.
All of these thoughts have gone through my head time and time again! Some of my documents were in the car when it went first time - name, address etc hence I have taken no 'unorthodox'(albeit very satisfying) actions so far. The police have been informed, they checked the registered address and he is 'known' (I doubt he is ignorant of it's orginal source) so I have left it in their less than capable hands.
hi i have just found out my land rover is on here the roll cage is not stolen it was made my an army metalsmith friend of mine and has been on the land rover for about 5 years and i dont appreciate comments about the wheels and winch been stolen i have been the victim of theft my self and would never steal or knowingly by stolen parts

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