It always amuses me how places in S Wales are only 60 - 70 miles away from here, according to e-bay etc.
The people that own the castle are food friends of mine and I know for a fact it'll be a blinder. Good offroad trail we can do too!
It's a bit of a dog leg I rekon they should build a massive bridge from S Wales to N Devon. Mind you all the immigrants in Newport would leg it across!

It always amuses me how places in S Wales are only 60 - 70 miles away from here, according to e-bay etc.

I have been a few times from South Wales to Ireland, and a few times to Swansea and Cardiff. It is a long drive for the distance you have to travel, and would be a hell of a bridge.

I have often thought as I sat behind the wheel, how nice it would be if there was a ferry! :) Not sure what ports there are in North Devon, maybe none suitable. But a ferry from there to Swansea or similar would save a lot of mileage, and take traffic out of the already congested Bristle area.

I have also noticed that there are ferries from Swansea-Cork, Cork- Santander, Plymouth-Santander. All good, but what happened to Plymouth-Swansea and Plymouth-Cork! :confused:
Wasn't there a service from Ilfracombe to Swansea? I'm sure there was a proposal to revive it a few years ago.
Wasn't there a service from Ilfracombe to Swansea? I'm sure there was a proposal to revive it a few years ago.
WOW 33 miles swim or 175 miles drive.

The first pictures of what could become the new Ilfracombe to Swansea passenger ferry have been revealed.

If it is built, the £4.5million vessel will make the crossing in an hour and 15 minutes and would provide a huge boost for North Devon tourism.

Brothers Mark and Paul Hutchings of Bristol Channel Charters Ltd, which runs the popular Sea Safaris in Ilfracombe, have been working on the project for two years and have now unveiled designs for the 35 metre craft.

A study by North Devon Council has shown around 140,000 people could use the service in the first year alone and the economic benefits could push £2.4m a year.

An earlier ferry bid by Severn Link fell apart in 2010 after difficulties getting landing facilities at Swansea.
Just a quick 'bump' on the land rover day at Pentillie Castle, if the weather next Sunday is anything like today then should be a cracking day out, looking forward to it.
Just a quick 'bump' on the land rover day at Pentillie Castle, if the weather next Sunday is anything like today then should be a cracking day out, looking forward to it.

I will be there. Missus is dropping me on the way back from Exeter. I shall go back with Mart! :)
Hoping to be there
a) If I can get a pass from SWMBO
b) If I can fix the indicators on the 90
Just round the corner for me, so no other excuses really.
Thought I had a result - Doris said she'd come too and look round the gardens while I did Land Rover stuff. Then we checked the Pentillie web site and it's no dogs allowed - my little one is recovering from a major operation and can't be left alone for another couple of weeks.
Damn! I've just seen that too. I imagine they'll be a few other Land Rover owners that won't be too keen on going for a day out in a country park and leaving the dog stuck in the house :(

My collie just doesn't understand if he can't come to work with me, let alone something like this! Note to event organisers - no such restrictions at Simply Land Rover at Beaulieu! :p
Will pop along, buy a coffee and say hello! Might need a good strong coffee anyway as its St Luke's Hospice charity mens day out on the Saturday 19th, a 12km pub crawl ending at the Plymouth Albion rugby game for a well earned pint and pasty. We only just made it in time for the last 10 minutes of the game last year so have set ourselves bit of a challenge to get around the route a little quicker....basically meaning we need to spend less time in the pubs! Sunday Mate.
Damn! I've just seen that too. I imagine they'll be a few other Land Rover owners that won't be too keen on going for a day out in a country park and leaving the dog stuck in the house :(

My collie just doesn't understand if he can't come to work with me, let alone something like this! Note to event organisers - no such restrictions at Simply Land Rover at Beaulieu! :p
Dogs ok on leads.

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