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I did try to search to previous posts but only three came up which surprised me as I am sure there have been more than three discussions on here about water getting into Defenders!

Since I have owned by Defender I have always had wet footwells. I find it difficult to keep dry especially with the all-in-one mats which are attached over the gearbox tunnel.

Today I had to move it, it was sunny but was wet yesterday. When I got in it the humidity hit me and the interior was damp all over, including the windscreen which was soaked. I am concerned that all this water in the air might damage the electrics or start making the seats go mouldy etc.

Does anyone have any practical tips for keeping water out and the interior reasonably dry? Apart from the obvious rotting of the footwells it is the damp that concerns me. I know some of the comments that are heading this way but parking on a hill, buying a Toyota or wearing wellies are not really practical or solving the damp problem!!!
There's a Land Rover water ingress manual kicking around the web somewhere. Tells you where all the common leaks are and how to fix them.
THanks I'll try some door seals. I expect a bit of water here and there but the humidity today will end up damaging something!!
Mine has got a couple of vents in the hard top just above the rear door that seem to help with humidity, or could you leave the window open a tad?
Mine has got a couple of vents in the hard top just above the rear door that seem to help with humidity, or could you leave the window open a tad?

I never thought Defenders would need ventilation!!! Have you got a photo ?
Leave the bulkhead vents open when parked up and let some air circulate while you find the leaks.......

my 110 td5 has a slight water on the drivers side, seemingly coming from the hinge of the windscreen. Also and mostly on the left hand corner of the body work, supposedly from between top and bottom side panel. Having read about Captain Tolleys magical substance, I will try that on all possible areas in the hope that it will do the trick.
Any exchange of experinces and comments welcome please

Heater.... What the ruddy heck is a heater in a Defender.?! I admit I've heard this term before but I've never actually observed one!! :p :D

It depends on the model fitted, on mine it's that thing you turn on to instantly steam up the windscreen, I think it was from a special test vehicle last used by the team testing water magnet cloths to destruction. :lol:

On my mates 90, it's those levers you can pull up n down when the kids are in the car to imitate lowering/raising the landing gear (we've not found another use for them). :D

I've read about other specials too, like the lever you move to permanently switch off all the lighting while driving at night on unlit roads (this one seems designed to add that element of excitement common to most LR's)

Well I have been through the landrover water ingress manual and silconed etc so wait and see if it works!!
My 97 3ootdi has had wet footwells from the day I bought it. After lots of research I was told to smear vaseline around the door seals and the front windscreen to bulkhead seal. Applied vaseline and hey presto. Leaks stopped. A lot cheaper than buying new seals. Might be worth a try
Good tips, the gutter spill rail on the front of the bulkhead, if theres no rubber seal fit one asap, stops no end of water in the cabin, other tip is to leave one of the vents open when car parked up.
Land rover monthly just ran a "fix my leaks" article. Very informative and pictures included. Any case, the water ingress manual looks very thorough.
Good tips, the gutter spill rail on the front of the bulkhead, if theres no rubber seal fit one asap, stops no end of water in the cabin, other tip is to leave one of the vents open when car parked up.

Someone on here had vents fitted to the rear of the vehicle. I found that after going through the ingress manual any water that did get in (off boots, through windows, etc) could not get out again and end up with very humid interior. Some weather-proof vents would be good.

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