
New Member
My K reg defender 200 tdi crunches into second from 1st and 2nd,horrible feeling its gearbox,am i right.If i let the revs slow down its ok. Help!
they all do that, it's a design feature.
learn to make slow easy changes and it will last for ages and ages.
it aint a corsa!

I had this problem with my LT77 gearbox in my 1986 N/A 90 a few months back, apart from I was having trouble selecting 3rd gear as opposed to 2nd. From what I've learned, I'd suspect that it is your syncro that is starting to wear, but there are a couple of things that you can try which certainly seem to have helped in my case:

1) Top the gearbox up with fresh gearbox oil. You'll need ATF (automatic transmission fluid) if it's an LT77, which is red in colour.

2) Run your vehicle up and down a quiet road switching between all the gears in high and low ratio with new gearbox oil.

I did find that 3rd no longer crunches and will select just as smoothly as all my other gears. Of course, there is also the chance that I have got used to the fact that I have a knackered syncro and it might not seem as bad!

the lt77 doesnt have syncromesh.

drain the old ATF out of the main box, clean the filter and replace with fresh. might also be worth changing the EP90 in the tranny box to.

you be surprised how much better it will drive with fresh fluid. their still ****e though so dont expect mirror-clues
I'm not a boy racer who revs the hell out of it, when i say i let the revs slow down in between changes i mean to idling speed.Its only just started doing it.
Then do really slow gear changes with a noticeable pause between 1 (or 3) and 2, making sure your clutch is RIGHT down, try and match the engine revs to the likely gear speed (so foot up a bit - but not all the way- on the throttle when going into 2 from 1 and give a bit more juice when going from 3) and before long you won't even need syncro and all your passengers will comment on the smooth ride!
actually i was being sis-earious!

i thought the lt77 didnt have the balk (sp) rings between the gears. the R380 however, does. am i wrong? or mixing the word syncromesh up with something else?

actually i was being sis-earious!

i thought the lt77 didnt have the balk (sp) rings between the gears. the R380 however, does. am i wrong? or mixing the word syncromesh up with something else?


Aye it does if you could look in the gallery theers loads of pics in my gallery of my LT77 box in bits, but you can't cos there's summat up with the gallery bit.
You might be mixing the synchromesh up with Slobs cheese sarnie cos there deffinitely int a cheeze sarnie in there well there want in mine any how.

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