
Hi everyone,

I was at a show and saw a company selling defender door cards that were made out of chequer plate.

I did get a car for the company but it seems like it has got lost.

Can anyone shed some light on who this company is as Id like to have a closer look at these

Paul :)
Hi everyone,

I was at a show and saw a company selling defender door cards that were made out of chequer plate.

I did get a car for the company but it seems like it has got lost.

Can anyone shed some light on who this company is as Id like to have a closer look at these

Paul :)

clicky hope that helps :p
Hahaha walked into that one!!!

Funnily enough I tried Google and couldn't find them - hopefully you will have more luck and let me know

I do like how you have done that search,k although can't find any for a defender. The flat ones don't fit!


I do like how you have done that search,k although can't find any for a defender. The flat ones don't fit!



haha, i found a few.. lemme grab some links.. actually they all seem to be rears!

how'd you mean the flats don't fit? rear, others look to be disco

tbh, they look easy to make, flat and with an angle grinder.. or i'm sure some guys on here will have some proper cutting tools and could knock some up.

think i'd go for flat black ally though :)
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Hi Paul,

I also remember seeing these at the nation indoor 4x4 show, and like you have since lost the card, and their website it's especially helpful!

The ones i saw were the same style as the standard defender door cards, but chequer plate and painted: are these the ones you're after? I'd love to know who makes them.
Thanks but already have the rear one, in black as you suggest.

I am after the ones that Director Steve is on about - it was the same show as well.

Hopefully they might be at Landylive next weekend


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