Mini Update

After the weekends discovery of a nice rotten section of the rear chassis which meant the destruction of the spring seat to be able to repair it i was ''forced'' lol to buy a few things.

Fingers crossed for the weather to be good so i can have a good weekends play time.

All i will have to do to finish of the rear end now (famous last words) is to fabricate a bump stop mount/seat to go with the bump stop as the one in place is currently being used as the underside of the chassis, someone did a right bodge patching up previous rot lol.
Thread Update

This is going to be the shortest update...... errr to date lol

So with the weather looking really clear and good i set about cutting all the crap and rot out of the rear end. I managed to cut the suspension seat off, remove a chassis piece in one and get the bump stop mount off before the weather that was looking good took a turn for the worse.

I think due to the fact that the weather is going to be hit or miss from here on out i am now thinking of buying a gay-zee-bo. I have found a few on ebay that i think will work but i was wondering what you lot would or do in this situation.

thanks for reading.
Your in Portsmouth, man
Is it not tropical doon there? :)
I've considered a gazebo and priced a few polytunnels up. Polytunnel will give more protection from wind and rain.
Ive considered a gazebo but i live atop a #### off hill exposed to any wind.....

I just park the vans in formation and stretch a tarp over them.

A gazebos likely to be turned inside out and taken up like a kite in seconds,
I've used a gazebo loads of times, But mainly for painting.
It's stood up pretty well in some pretty bad weather but I wouldn't fancy leaving it unattended in it. Although if it was bolted to the floor it would be a lot better. I just had the pegs in the grass.
At least I was their if it decided it wanted to leave the country :eek:

Well the gazebo idea is out the window thanks to the father, words such as no room and waste of money were spoke.

AL203 - Yeah most of hampshire was doom over the weekend, southern luck lol.

Top Drive - lol i have heard gazebo's like to either blow over or rip due to winds. I think the tarp is the way forward.

Arronmorris - That is exactly what i would need for building and painting, it would probably be more easier to buy my own house then try to convince my dad to let me have one lol.

Bluehaze - Thanks for the comment and the tarp idea is in progress
Thread Update

As nice as it was to go away for a week i was itching to get back to play landy games as i think i might be able to finish it this weekend :)

I started at about 12 o'clock today just after the rain had eased, so my first port of call was to erect the most shanty town looking shelter in case the heavens were to open again.

Having a look at where i left it i still had some grinding to finish off. I cut some more rot out of the area that needed replacing. I replaced a patch on the inner side of the chassis and then replaced and welded a new strengthen strip inside the chassis.

Next up was to make up the rest of the chassis pieces. I started by making the under side first and welded it in, i did this first so i could get a fillet on the inside for added strength (see pic above). Next up was to make and weld the closing piece so i could then mark out where the seat will go.

Referring back to measurement i had taken before i started cutting made the job so much more easier, i double checked once it was tacked in with the other side just to make sure i was correct. The reason we all spend hours grinding is to then have fun welding :)

With the old bump stop mount being of no use to me and me being a tight ass i made up a new bump stop mount, cut some slots in the ends for the bump stop to fit in and waaaaaa llllllaaaaaa.

I offered up my over engineered bump stop mount to see if it sat nice. The good bit again, welding it up.

Now this side is complete grinding and welding wise i gave the unprotected metal a lick of paint. Before i knew it it was 19.00h and was dark so i decided to pack up and plan tomorrows fun.

Thanks for reading.
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Thread update

Much thanks must go to my misses for buggering off for the weekend :) and letting me get on with the landy. So this is update 2 out of 3..

I started off this morning thinking to myself "you are a *£$%^& nugget" because when i went to refit my suspension i realised i hadn't ordered the inner cup washers only ordered the outer lol.. So a frantic 30 mins ringing round places and i managed to get some put aside for me at Keith Gott's in alton. It is a well kitted out place, friendly and it's kind of on my door step, bonus.

So onto the rebuild. I spent my time this afternoon giving all the areas a clean up and a coating ofcopper gease before assembling my shocks and springs. I also put on 2 new bump stops just to make it look nice and because the old ones were past there best.

Now a milestone was achieved, it's back on it's feet :).

As the light was starting to go a bit i thought i would just do little bits around the landy that wouldn't take to long so first up was fitting the new air filter which was bought as part of my service pack.

Next up was to fit the alternator i got to replace my original one, i had my fingers crossed that it fits as direct replacement. As i had hoped it did but all i had to do was to change over the connections to circle clips and hopefully fit them to the correct terminals.

Next up was to fit the fan belt now the alternator had been fitted then fit the viscous fan.

As the light had gone i decided to call it a day.

Once again people thanks for reading.
That's cracking welding in a very tight location. Impressive work and looks great :clap2:
Thread update

This update is a combo of bits that i tinkered with during the week in the evenings and the stuff i did today.

I had a nice little delivery from the postie this week, nice wading kit and 2 bonnet rubbers. That coupled with a few bits i had shot blasted and spayed. I know the spraying was kind of pointless on the bonnet stay but i wanted it done and it was free :)

So i started of by wanting to fit the drivers wing as this was the only bit i could do in the dark with a light. so on the wing went with a bit of swearing due to the twist in the wing, nothing someone else pulling and pushing while i lined the holes up couldn't fix.

During putting the wing back on i found something that i didn't recognise, can anyone identify it?

To finish up for the night i put the light surround on and connected the lights back up.

The next night was about fitting the fuel filter, coolant bottle etc onto the side of the wing as well as fitting the bonnet stay. As always new bolts and nuts were fitted.


Today i decided to finally finish up the little bits of welding i had outstanding. First up was the drivers side bump stop mount that needed to be welded back on after i replaced the seat a while ago.

I then wanted to weld on the radiator housing mounts. Not knowing the heights of the originals that came off when i replaced the cross member i thought it would be a good idea to fit the slam panel first to get an idea, which need a bits of help from this. There is a nice bit of pressure on the front now lol. I found out that the bonnet cable is naff so that came out and a new one has been ordered along with a billion pound stupid clip.

Once that was fitted it was onto offering up the mounts i made with the radiator housing on them to judge the height and marking them out ready for grinding.

The fun bit again, welding and painting.

While all that dries i had enough time left to fit the fuel filter and call it a day.

Hopefully tomorrow i can get a few hours on it but its up to the boss lol

Thanks for reading.

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