hey i dont think your thick ! old maybe ! and i think the land rover version of the x5 is a great car.....
well there is 2 that have mouths big enough !

Mine is the perfect size for large Chippies and curry sauce.

If the government knew about yours they coulda saved a fortune and re-routed the channel tunnel:p
I bet you're only on here cos you got a slitty and need to 'pretend' to own a landy so it makes you feel like you got a set of balls

I find that deeply offensive. My slitty is just dandy - and the rumours of Tufftee being a mirage are totally unfounded:mad:!
oi cheeky fecker I can drive....As Dv has got tyres taller than pikey and a furkin gert lift....then I try and follow him and ground my axles :D:D

I know that feeling. I had to get airbourne to clear the last hole he made.:rolleyes::p

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