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Hate to ask insurance questions, but i had a right load of trouble last year.

We've got a 1997 110 Defender in the household. Its a SWTDI, 2.5l.

Im very soon to have a years no claims, and no points. I tried to get insured on it as a first car but i phoned about 12 insurance companies, taking up the whole day and most of them wouldnt insure me for many reasons. Mainly engine size, wheelbase and number of seats.

Now im older, nearly 19 and have neary a years no claims. When renewal comes around id like to get rid of my shonky mini and use the landy, if its at all possible.

What im essentially asking, is what are my chances? or indeed how should i go about it.

Mini was £1650 as a main driver fully comp. I dont mind going named this year, and id like to equal or better that quote.

Any companies i should know about etc?

Thankyou all kindly for reading if you have, i look forward to replies!
im 26 mate and just insured a 1994 110 for £126 for a year on unlimited millage thorough footman james, thats also not using any of my no claims as that all on my main vehicle.

It would seem being a member of the s3,90 and 110 owners club was usefull to get it so low.

Worth a try.
im 26 mate and just insured a 1994 110 for £126 for a year on unlimited millage thorough footman james, thats also not using any of my no claims as that all on my main vehicle.

It would seem being a member of the s3,90 and 110 owners club was usefull to get it so low.

Worth a try.

As soon as you hit 25 insurance plummits.

As the OP is 19, he's going to struggle, most specialists won't touch him.

Still worth trying all the susual insurers though.
Dont put yourself as the named driver if you are the main driver, if the worst happens, you WILL get found out, they seem to check this for younger drivers as a matter of course.

what you can do, is add older, experienced drivers as named drivers, this can also bring down your insurace, Im 31, and have my mum and dad named cos it brought mine down by £40, 5 years ago, it brought it down by over £100
if you've got other cars in the household try admiral multi car, me n my lad have 3 cars on it n his landy £450 ish fully comp and his audi 3.2 is £470 n my bm with him on it is just over £400 fully comp, he's 23 but does have 6 years no claims n i have 20 odd years no claims, it does help your insurance go down if you put someone on it as a named driver that has a few years behind them on the insurance front.

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