I am selling my other car to use the 90 as an everyday car but you need a back up plan if u do this! (ie the wife/mum good friend) can take you to work when the landy isn't working! Which if you off-road it will be alot!!!
People who use there defender everyday and depend on it don't tend to go off-road, maybe greenlaning but even this can get dodgy (ask BENJP)
I use my defender 90 every day, I do about 100 miles per week semi urban to work and back and am currently getting about 30mpg which i think is quite good and is definitely a lot better than what my wife gets from her Honda Type R! It all depends on how you drive it, I regularly service it, I don't drive it like an idiot, your not going to get the same comfort and luxury as a normal car but you'l certainly have a lot more fun, I wouldn't be without mine.
I'm Thinking the same (and also 22)... At the min (When I'm not in London) I have a Toyota van - done out so I can sleep in it etc when I go walk about in the mountains or climbing. This however is sh1t when you leave tarmac ie onto the grass at a campsite/verge to let people pass you just get stuck. but very similar to a rover for insurance/tax...
Wanted a rover for ages now and finally almost convinced my self what a great idea it is :) and with a 110 I should be able to kip in the back/have my cooker etc. and take it off road Everyone's a winner! (Only slight hitch at the min is gotta get out of London first, damn!)
Another consideration, and I've only just started scratching the surface with this, is to run it on veg oil/a combination to reduce fuel costs. This needs quite a bit of research first tho as from what I have read so far some engines love it, some will just die at the thought of it... Might be worth finding out more about though
I'm Thinking the same (and also 22)... At the min (When I'm not in London) I have a Toyota van - done out so I can sleep in it etc when I go walk about in the mountains or climbing. This however is sh1t when you leave tarmac ie onto the grass at a campsite/verge to let people pass you just get stuck. but very similar to a rover for insurance/tax...
Wanted a rover for ages now and finally almost convinced my self what a great idea it is :) and with a 110 I should be able to kip in the back/have my cooker etc. and take it off road Everyone's a winner! (Only slight hitch at the min is gotta get out of London first, damn!)
Another consideration, and I've only just started scratching the surface with this, is to run it on veg oil/a combination to reduce fuel costs. This needs quite a bit of research first tho as from what I have read so far some engines love it, some will just die at the thought of it... Might be worth finding out more about though

you're looking for a diesel with a bosch injector pump, deals with the veg oil very well.
I use my 90 every day for work, if it doesnt work I dont, so that keeps me on top of any issues that arise. Or should I say it keeps me on top of 'the many issues that arise'. No its not the most economical and not many decorators use a defender but I wouldnt have it any other way.
I didnt buy a 1993 90' to take to someone else everytime something went wrong so was prepared for alot of time underneith it. I like a challenege and love the satisfaction of fixing something that I didnt have a clue about before it broke. Like I said, wouldnt have it any other way. :)
And I do take it off road, but dont go silly.
I drive mine everyday and despite wanting to sell it, I think deep down I'd regret it if I sold it! Mine I use all the time and drive long distances in it and despite the fuel efficiency being crap and the stopping distances etc being rubbish, I wouldnt want to travel any other way, with a disco transfer box she'll cruise at 80mph if wanted, and with honda CRX seats its extremely comfy. I don't think i'll ever have a different vehicle! Only thing I would change is my BF Muds for some All terrains as the muds tend to be a bit naff for motorway and A road driving all the time, they never get to see much mud! Anyone want to swap?
i have a 110 i use every day, well, every day i need to leave the house and its great, but i would say, estimate how much then add about 1k to ensure you can fix anything you need to later and buy tires, as they can be expencive

fuel is the main killer and fuel cost has doubled but insurance has halved and now driving something thats a right laugh!

i work as a youth worker and the kids love it, particularly as they hear me coming a mile off, as i quite often drive around with foot to floor (explaining my fuel cost problems)

but already showing her advantages as well as presenting me with lots of challenges in terms of fixing which is half the reason i bought her. (yes its a she, called libby, and is quite clearly lesbian as she seems to like girls)

so ultimatly, if you want one, go for it and you'll figure out the rest.
Go for it !
It's like Hotel California, once you've had a Landy it never leaves you :p

I put a new chassis in mine 5 years ago to keep the MOT man at bay. ;)
Kate as our 110 is christened is my daily drive of 150 miles a week. Just got back from the Isle of Skye 1500 mile later so that adds up to 10K miles a year.
At 30mpg from the 300Tdi you would have to find something really efficient to justify having two vehicles.

Not only is road rage a thing of the past, but I enjoy parking in the middle of all the company cars at work. Even better is when the space next to Kate is the only one left in the car park and the 2 space BMW has nowhere else to park :D
I inherited my 200tdi, 110. My car has taken a back seat as I hardly use it any more. The LAndy Puts a smile on your face whenever you use it.
I think it depends where you live to justify a Landy. I live in the French countryside and for here it is great. Repairs are dirt cheap, whatever you do to it increases its value. You don't have to worry about little dings from the car park. Everyone gives you a wide birth when your driving down the road. When the snow comes they are unstoppable with the right tires on. My only complaint is the heater. Its crap. Only seems to warm up as your arriving at your destination. If your driving involves a lot of stop start driving they can be hard work but once rolling along they are great fun. I get between 27 to 30 mpg. I can't understand these people saying "they are great when they are working". Mine has never let me down. Starts on the button even in -18 c even when its been left standing for a couple of weeks. It has crossed Morocco several times. I have had it for two years now. If one had to go it would be the car. The landy might be slower than a car but its great fun.
Finally managed to get back on here. Thank you so much for all the responses - I have literally been snowed under with work and exams.

I'm still really torn about whether to get one or not. I am a bit worried about fuel costs - I'm driving about in the mrs car at the moment and averaging 56/57mpg, so doubling my fuel bill when I'm doing 20k a year is going to be hard to swallow!

I'm due to qualify in November, and and ideally I'll have get a new job with a company car - in which case the fuel costs don't matter. The problem is, I won't qualify until December, and her car is on PCP which finishes in November. Added to that, my final exams are in November, so I really need to sort out a new car in September time!

Normally with cars I like them or I don't. At the moment, I'm being a big girl and don't have a clue what to buy.
Buy buy buy! Fuel costs arnt that bad.. My 200tdi conversion that I did last weekend has increase my mpg by at least half again. Done nearly 60 miles on a tenner!
my sister drives her little 90 everywhere and once my 110 is back together, it will be my daily.
I am selling my other car to use the 90 as an everyday car but you need a back up plan if u do this! (ie the wife/mum good friend) can take you to work when the landy isn't working! Which if you off-road it will be alot!!!
People who use there defender everyday and depend on it don't tend to go off-road, maybe greenlaning but even this can get dodgy (ask BENJP)

Toss and testicles.

My Defender is my only vehicle and I do up to 500 miles a week, go off road at least once a month and green lane at any opportunity. Just stay on top of the maintainance and try and get stuff like bearings and UJ's etc replaced BEFORE they break and you'll be fine. Most of the time:rolleyes:

RAC cover and a reliable local mechanic are a must for me though. That's my back up plan!:D
I use my 200tdi 110 every day, I'm self employed and it is my working and only vehicle. Got it last October, have done 12k so far with no major issues only little niggles.
not had much other than fenders for most of me life .
had a 2a 88 for 12 years or more my old 90 thats now my off-road/laning toy have had 13 or 14 years now, and the td5 90 and the crew cab 110 3 years all together .
cant stand driving cars now like my arse way farther of the ground than most of um are :D
Right then! I think I'm going to get some proper insurance quotes and see what prices are like. Thanks for the input guys.

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