interesting, however it seems a bit "not land rover" to me, kind of takes away from the charm of the land rover, okay, charm may be the wrong word, if you know what I mean.

on another note, placing the sign in front of the grill, would it reduce cooling, or cause overheating?

The sign is actually my number plate, which by law has to be on the first vertical surface facing forward and it had to be moved from the winch bumper and there has been no overheating issues during the past year or so......yet.
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I didn't realise that inanimate objects had sexual preferences, but yeah, they're gay looking, but I still like 'em.

I agree... they do look rather nice. But then some people might think you were just trying to make you're landy into an Audi or a Saab haha. Living in denial about owning a defender ahha :)
I agree... they do look rather nice. But then some people might think you were just trying to make you're landy into an Audi or a Saab haha. Living in denial about owning a defender ahha :)

It's funny you should say that because, I tend to live my life with the attitude that I don't give two hoots about what other people think of me. I know the truth, so do my family and close friends. The rest are just judging the "book by it's cover."

OK, some may think it looks gay, so what, I have known three gay guys and with the exception of one, they were bloody nice people, that's an average of 66% in their favour. I don't know any lesbians so cannot comment on them. I have also known many many normal heterosexual people and not so many of them were so nice ... I have no idea what the average would be, but probably about 40% to 50% so, if I "look" gay then I'm on a winner in my book :)

In reality, as I said earlier, I have 'em because I can and I likes 'em too.
imo gay or not if it works as the standard lights are quite poor then good i have tryed many ways of getting brighter head lights and have failed bigger bulbs dont work as they will burn out your switch as the main currant runs through the switch and after several attempts with lights on a light bar i chose to put some light force spots on my winch bummper so it all a personal choise
There crap !!!! I had a set on a few moths ago the second they get a drop of water in them there fu**ed and the led's pop 1by1 .....get a set of crystal clears a lot better an brighter
In my opinion the Bolt on Bits ones look too much like fairy lights, I have the Powerful UK ones, granted, they are not as bright as the Bolt on Bits ones, but they look tidier at night I think :)


This is when they were the Iriduim ones, great in the sun, but the yellow light made me want to puke :rolleyes: So I now have clear ones :)
yes devon would you say you get a better beam and brighter light from them ??

I wouldn't say d44 were much brighter than local landy shop it's all down to the bulbs the Devon ones are good tho my brother has them in his an they do look a bit better quality

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