Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member

I'm sorry if this has already been covered recently but I'm new to this and I couldn't find it. I am 17 and had been driving for about 6 weeks. I would like to be a named driver on my mums insurance for a defender 90. We have rung round everywhere and all we seem to get is that you need to be over 21 (or 25 in some places). Adrian Flux is the cheapest just for my mum but we really could do with me being a driver too. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you
Don't use flux!! do a search on this forum and you'll see why!! try the NFU or any other insurer that will actually stand by you if you need to claim!

Im 22 and my Range Rover is with NFU and its very reasonable..

Thank you, NfU wouldnt give us a quote. We are going to wait until next year and see if I can be added on when I have a years experience. Thanks again
Ive paid 2.5k for my disco at 22 for my first year with AF .. seems like no one wants to insure as classic car unless youve had your licence a year and its not your main car.
Ill have to get rid if it cost me this much to insure again next year too ..
i never had a problem insuring my lr 90 over in france even when i first started driving and its alot cheeper than 2.5k and its my only car.

We should be able to cover you on your own policy, you will struggle to find anywhere that will allow you to be a named driver until you hit 25.

If you wanted to PM me your details I can certainly arrange a call back from our quotes team.

Kind regards,
Don't know if this is any use to you but I'm 18 and am insured on a 90 300tdi through aviva for about £1350, and its my policy not me as a named driver so I'm earning no claims.

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