I'd agree with this - unless you are completely confident of inspecting the vehicle yourself, money on an independent motor engineers report is money well spent - there are plenty out there - not just the main motoring organisations have them...

I would also want to know which warranty the thing is going to come with, and be g**gling ( other search engines are available :D) "problems with warranty company X" - and seeing what you can find out.

The MOT history of the vehicle is always interesting too - I've attached it for this one, and it seems to have failed a few times on rather daft things - like windscreen washers - plus headlamp aim crops up repeatedly, which I always find rather weird.... combined with the bumper not being sat right - I would want an explanation of that really.....

there are also a few advisories which an independent engineer should spot ( which can be used to your advantage ) - and I think, for the money, i would be insisting on a clean ( I.E. no advisories ) MOT, from a different garage...

This might a lot to ask, BUT, £13.5K is a lot of money, and its your money !!

Thats better than I said :) You need to factor in a new exhaust, and front and rear brakes at least within a year.
I'd agree with this - unless you are completely confident of inspecting the vehicle yourself, money on an independent motor engineers report is money well spent - there are plenty out there - not just the main motoring organisations have them...

I would also want to know which warranty the thing is going to come with, and be g**gling ( other search engines are available :D) "problems with warranty company X" - and seeing what you can find out.

The MOT history of the vehicle is always interesting too - I've attached it for this one, and it seems to have failed a few times on rather daft things - like windscreen washers - plus headlamp aim crops up repeatedly, which I always find rather weird.... combined with the bumper not being sat right - I would want an explanation of that really.....

there are also a few advisories which an independent engineer should spot ( which can be used to your advantage ) - and I think, for the money, i would be insisting on a clean ( I.E. no advisories ) MOT, from a different garage...

This might a lot to ask, BUT, £13.5K is a lot of money, and its your money !!

Hey Disco1BFG : Thank you so so much for this!!! That's really interesting!!!! Would the things it's failed on those MOT's bother you at all? I had a look down that list, and there were a few things that stood out that sound a little serious? - things that have crept up again and again, and it's given me some serious food for thought, so thank you for that!!! Regarding its' current MOT, they have said the most recent MOT has no advisories whatsoever, but with all those other things of previous MOT's would any of them be a course of worry to you? Regarding the bumper, it's apparently sitting straight now and his explanation was that ''possibly the landy had been jacked up on that side from the front bumper and had come out of place'' but - it's back centre now... so its' all fixed - but does leave you wondering nevertheless i have to say!!!! 13.5K is alot of money, I just don't know after all that if it's right, and I can do better.... Thank you so so so much for this - your post has been extremely helpful!!!! Any further advice on those MOT items that showed up from previous years would be helpful - or if any of those things would cause concern for you on there? Thanks Disco1BGF for all your advice and support though - hugely appreciated!!!! :)

I think its overpriced - as another poster said, the prices are spiking as there aren't many on dealers forecourts - the local Harwoods has none..... My 300tdi is 4 years older, and cost about £9k less... I know its not the same as this one, but £9k? I've spent £500 on a clutch (required) and a bit more than that for decent tyres and steel wheels. Not £9k.

It doesn't look like original paintwork to me - 16 years old paint isn't that good. But, that said, if its resprayed, and a good job, thats a win.

The ride is pimped - chequer plate looks good, but why is it there? Alloys? Expensive, so thats on the price too.
It needs to be sound underneath, and in the engine and transmission - you will find things you missed if you buy it.
was it always a 5/7 seater? Whats on the V5? It shows as London Emission Zone exempt - so wasn't ever a hardtop. :)

If its what you want, and you have the cash, why not though?

Hey Steveo!! Thanks for your advice on this!! I do think it's overpriced too - something tells me that its a bit too much - but you're right - as someone else as mentioned - they are being increasingly harder to find at especially that mileage. That's really interesting about the 9K - that's food for thought too!!! I think after reading your post - it's made me think there could well be a far far better deal out there!!!! I don't know what to say about the paintwork - your right - it does look really good - and i don't know if it's the original - even if it has had a re-spray they've done an extremely good job!!! The ride is definately pimped out though ( and to be honest, when i went to go and see if with my friend ) and I wasn't sure as to whether or not i liked that ''pimped out'' look - the tyres and wheels have definitely been done - still not sure if i like it or not..... Interesting though... especially with checking to make sure everything is okay!!!

I agree with Disco1BFG that the money spent on an engineers report before you even went ahead for sale would be an excellent idea - and the forum has really made me think about this, so i'm extremely grateful for all the comments etc so far.

Cheers Steveo for your advice, really appreciate you taking the time time to write and help!! :)
Is there anything on this PDF that Disco1BFG has provided ( really appreciate that thank you ) that would stand out to anyone from previous years??? Thanks again guys you're terrific!!!!:)
My impression, from reading the MOT history is that the vehicle has not been thoroughly maintained, and that the previous owner has used the MOT as a way of finding out what "needs" doing. :(
If you were buying a cheap vehicle, then whilst you might reasonably expect a few issues, and a few advisories regarding stuff like wiper blades, or number plates deteriorating... blah blah blah.......

I would also like someone else to comment on the headlamp aim issue too - why does that keep cropping up ? I am involved with quite a few vehicles, and this is not something I ever see.... o_O

Thus, my opinion would be that, with a vehicle at the top of its price point, you would have to be sure that the service history is honest - it might be worth spending some time going through the paperwork to see if it all "adds up", so to speak...

it might also seem that I am being a bit harsh here, but, for this sort of money, it needs to spot on. Beauty is only skin deep ........
My impression, from reading the MOT history is that the vehicle has not been thoroughly maintained, and that the previous owner has used the MOT as a way of finding out what "needs" doing. :(
If you were buying a cheap vehicle, then whilst you might reasonably expect a few issues, and a few advisories regarding stuff like wiper blades, or number plates deteriorating... blah blah blah.......

I would also like someone else to comment on the headlamp aim issue too - why does that keep cropping up ? I am involved with quite a few vehicles, and this is not something I ever see.... o_O

Thus, my opinion would be that, with a vehicle at the top of its price point, you would have to be sure that the service history is honest - it might be worth spending some time going through the paperwork to see if it all "adds up", so to speak...

it might also seem that I am being a bit harsh here, but, for this sort of money, it needs to spot on. Beauty is only skin deep ........

Disco1BFG - i'm ever so grateful for the time you've spent on this. I have that feeling too ( and it's not a good one ) when i read through that MOT history - i think if it was as well maintained as what I first thought, then to be honest, i wouldn't have expected to see the things on that list that I have!!!!!

If someone else could comment on the headlamp issue too - as you're right - this does keep cropping up - and i've never seen it either - which does leave me wondering!!!!
I really appreciate you being harsh - as luckily I haven't put ANY money down whatsoever, or left a deposit - and I would MUCH rather prefer to have extremely frank advice on here, from people who care about them, and wouldn't want to see a fellow ''DefenderHead'' take a step wrong ( a 13K step wrong ) when it could have been avoided, so extremely grateful Disco1BFG - thank you!!! :)

At the moment with all the advice and bits and pieces that are coming through, i am turning the wheel and steering away ever so slowly... but this is a good thing - i need to be sure it's the right thing!!!
Can't thank you all enough for the support on this!!

Very much appreciated so far!!!! :)
The other thing I think you should factor in to your costs of a 'fender is some sort of tracker - there is, apparently, (I.E. according to the press, and NFUM ( though my experience of them is very poor )), a massive surge in the number of 'fenders stolen..... and one that looks as good as this one might attract the attention of the sticky fingered types more than a lower mileage one, possibly in better mechanical condition, but which has a few dings / cosmetic "aberations" etc. ....
Disco1BFG - i'm ever so grateful for the time you've spent on this. I have that feeling too ( and it's not a good one ) when i read through that MOT history - i think if it was as well maintained as what I first thought, then to be honest, i wouldn't have expected to see the things on that list that I have!!!!!

If someone else could comment on the headlamp issue too - as you're right - this does keep cropping up - and i've never seen it either - which does leave me wondering!!!!
I really appreciate you being harsh - as luckily I haven't put ANY money down whatsoever, or left a deposit - and I would MUCH rather prefer to have extremely frank advice on here, from people who care about them, and wouldn't want to see a fellow ''DefenderHead'' take a step wrong ( a 13K step wrong ) when it could have been avoided, so extremely grateful Disco1BFG - thank you!!! :)

At the moment with all the advice and bits and pieces that are coming through, i am turning the wheel and steering away ever so slowly... but this is a good thing - i need to be sure it's the right thing!!!
Can't thank you all enough for the support on this!!

Very much appreciated so far!!!! :)

If you decide against it, then use this decision to your advantage, and go to the dealer to see how far he will move on price / warranty / etc. The worst he can say is no, but you have already decided against it anyway, and its good experience haggling !!! You might also find out additional info which would confirm our impressions...

On the MOT history, Only one of my long term vehicles has ever failed the MOT - so i suppose you might say that I look after them pretty well. (The failure was the drum handbrake dropping into a million pieces, without warning, due the adjuster snapping (!!) - it passed the next day)
The thefts around here have been exponential... The last 2 times I've been stopped by the police was late at night, the 2 nd time they said they had a current memo to stop any landrovers after 10 PM ..good policy I thought, but it's not stopped thefts.
If you decide against it, then use this decision to your advantage, and go to the dealer to see how far he will move on price / warranty / etc. The worst he can say is no, but you have already decided against it anyway, and its good experience haggling !!! You might also find out additional info which would confirm our impressions...

On the MOT history, Only one of my long term vehicles has ever failed the MOT - so i suppose you might say that I look after them pretty well. (The failure was the drum handbrake dropping into a million pieces, without warning, due the adjuster snapping (!!) - it passed the next day)

That's really interesting to know, thanks again for all of your advice and support. Dealer is not budging a singer inch away from £13,000 - he' won't move any lower than that!!! So to be honest - i think i'm going to leave it and keep looking!!!!!!!!
The thefts around here have been exponential... The last 2 times I've been stopped by the police was late at night, the 2 nd time they said they had a current memo to stop any landrovers after 10 PM ..good policy I thought, but it's not stopped thefts.

That's really interesting too - i've heard about the trackers - and i think it's well worth putting one on!!! Definitely!!!!! Thanks for the info though - regardless of what Defender i get - a tracker is well worth it!! Keep hearing stories about the thefts on the rise - scary stuff!! Really appreciate it Stew - thank you so much!!! :)
If you've got an old phone with GPS capability you can make use of that. You can track the phone, so just wire the phone in to an ignition-on live circuit and then track the phone and car from another device :)
If you've got an old phone with GPS capability you can make use of that. You can track the phone, so just wire the phone in to an ignition-on live circuit and then track the phone and car from another device :)

Shimsteriom this is fantastic!!! Hadn't thought about that at all!!!! What a great idea!! Thanks for the post!! Really appreciate it - anything to keep her safe! :)
The headlamps are mounted in thin, tinny metal and adjusted with rusty self tapping screws. The aim can be adjusted by hitting a pheasant, as I discovered a few weeks ago. I can even feel them moving when I scrub the squashed flies off them whilst washing the car. So it's not hard to see why they need adjusting regularly. That reminds me, I'd better have a look at mine before the next MOT. So I wouldn't necessarily read too much into the headlamp aim question.
The headlamps are mounted in thin, tinny metal and adjusted with rusty self tapping screws. The aim can be adjusted by hitting a pheasant, as I discovered a few weeks ago. I can even feel them moving when I scrub the squashed flies off them whilst washing the car. So it's not hard to see why they need adjusting regularly. That reminds me, I'd better have a look at mine before the next MOT. So I wouldn't necessarily read too much into the headlamp aim question.

Hey Brown : Thanks for clearing up the issue of the headlamps - i think after all the advice i've received - i'm going to continue the search for something really lovely!!! I think this one just wasn't to be!!!
Headlight aim could be a certain test station, some are certainly fussier than others.
Im always adjusting them at work.

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