In reply to this, I think its best to just check everything everyone has suggested. Should i attempt to bleed the system following this link - and if the actual filter is rotten then replace it?. will bleeding the system get rid of any water that might be causing issues?.
Bleeding will only purge air from the system, there should be a water trap on the filter put a container under it and unscrew it to see if there is any water in there,
Re the harness it is a well known td5 problem and even if it is not the cause of your problem today it will bite you in the arse sooner or later so best to do it in your time rather than far from home on a dark cold night.
Yes Lightning I know, I have learnt a heavy lesson now. This morning I checked for water in the fuel filter (no water), cleaned the MAP sensor, was full of gunk, but is very clean now. Managed to un-sease the Waste gate into the turbo. However, the waste gate is still a little stiff, any suggestions on that?. and cleaned the red plug into the ECU again and the plug the other end connecting the hardness too. Checked the air filer box if thats the right name, again and no sign of water. Any other suggestions for my issue other than replacing the injector harness, which is on its way in the post at the moment. Just want to eliminate any possible causes, and also have become very interested in learning about whats under the bonnet. I went to a local car shop today and bought a big pack of fuses, 5, 10, 15, 20, & 30 Amps and replaced all the fuses under the driver seat, and some of the fuses in the main fuse box, and all my sidelights and back stop lights now work a treat. Halford's technitions clearly didn't know what they were talking about, telling me I need a new relay. This forum is a God's send. Thank you.
Also I forgot to mention. - When checking for water in the Fuel Filter, I noticed a lose hanging set of wires connecting to nothing? picture attached. What is this for and should it be hanging as it is?.
The connector is for a fuel filter water sensor.
It's not fitted to all versions. Mine also has this unused connector in the fuel filter housing.
That filter doesn't look bad, sometimes if they have been on too long they get so rusty that they start to weep diesel.
Oh okay thats good to know. My waste gate was ceased. It is now a little less ceases but still extremely stiff and doesnt move as much as it should. Is there anything i can do un-cease this?. Also any other suggestions of things I could check before new hardness loom arrives? Thanks!
Is the gate itself tight or is it stiff when attached to the actuator ? The actuator itself is quite stiff. Try disconnecting the actuator and working the gate, you might have to put some oil on the spindle and work it back and forward,
Okay thanks, I will give it a go today. I might try to record the sounds my 90 is making when i fire her up. its very rough and also hear a wining noise, maybe the fuel filter, but sounds like its coming from under the bonnet not really from the rear. Will it damage the vehicle if I were to drive it still or should I try to drive it as little as possible?.
The noise of tick over almost sounds more like a small boat engine, like a 'tug tug tug tug' noise. Would this suggest not all of the cylinders are firing, possible due to the harness I am replacing?.
I am pleased to say, I have fitted the new Injector harness and the rough idle and shaking gear stick and loss of power has all gone away and now have a very smooth idling and very powerful 90 back!. However... The engine used to create a smooth hiss when in 4th 5th gear now I get more of a roar... any suggestions what could be done? Hahaha apologies that this thread is so longwinded. I am really enjoying learning so much about my 90. any replies are much appreciated!

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