
Active Member
Today while i was in work my defender 90 was stolen at 3:30pm. i work in the horse and jocky in melling, liverpool.
the reg is J58KBG
if anyone could keep an eye out for me id much appreciate it.

here she is:

she might not look like much but shes my pride and joy. im absolutely devastated.

thanks guys :(
Sorry to hear about this - I will keep my eyes peeled (have a gaff in Knowsley Village) it will be worth a little drive around Tower Hill and the back of Roughwood as you never know where the scrotes are. I had an SLK kni
cked from our house and it turned up in Northwood.
Hope you get her back.
Cheers mate. I've got peer much most taxi drivers in Kirkby keeping an eye out for it. Was out searching woods till 2am last night thinking I could at least find half of it. Quite a few new bits and just had the bulkhead repaired. There was a 2" terrafirma shocks and springs wich was pretty much new. If you see anything like that for sale let me know. Will more than likely be mine.

Preying she comes back, even if it's just half of it. I holds continental value not just to me but to my friends dad who I baught it off
bit late now, but if you are driving around looking, then i would check all car parks, public, supermarket, pay and display, etc in the hope they have left it there for a couple days to check for trackers before they collect.
Yeah I ment sentimental sorry haha I'm on my iphone an autocorrect caught me out. I've been out looking but no sight of it. Going to keep looking. A few woods to check before I give up. No didn't have no alarm or anything like that on it
Sorry and I hope you get her back, but good security is a must!:)

Thanks lisbeth. I know I wanted to get some security but things are that tight I couldn't afford it. Lesson well learnt if I decide to get a nother one again

Down the road from me. Will take a run out later see if its in any of the known dumping grounds .lost one myself a couple of years ago devestating.
Down the road from me. Will take a run out later see if its in any of the known dumping grounds .lost one myself a couple of years ago devestating.

Thanks rusty I appreciate it. There horrible arnt they. Not only do we suffer the loss of our car but we also suffer out premiums going up. 7 years no claims gone and they wouldn't let me protect them when I took out the policy. Guttered.
Wouldn't insure mine with anyone unless my no claims are protected, the cheapest policy isn't the best policy

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