Thank You for that Huddy you are right, after a bit more digging it confirmed what you said

Had a busy couple of weeks. I got the sides and roof sanded and a quick coat of paint Then bolted them all up.


I'm not happy with the sprayed camo so once the it's all together in hand painting it all with bush painted camo
I also put the bulkhead loom back in...... God I forgot how many wires there were! I took God knows how many photos but there's still not enough


Almost there now I think my next job is the doors to secure the the cab and allow me to put all the dash back in
Thanks Disco1BFG
While waiting for more parts I've been painting the coolant pipes that feed the rear radiators and air filter housing and seat box.
I could not source the little valve for the bottom so I altered a different type to suit and it's perfect can't even tell

I've been searching for a new escape hatch latch they are a standard sun roof with a metal panel insert but for the life of me can't find one anyone have any clues?


Thanks all
Looks great, before you hand paint it though all military vehicles are now sprayed, though I would have left it plain green it looks good as it is.
Your correct all current British military vehicles are sprayed. But this comes from the era of bucket and brush so to keep it authentic I shall brush paint it

I didn't get much time at all this weekend but I did manage to get some of the engine ancillaries in and connected slowly getting towards a running engine but I must move onto the doors soon



Quality work :)

My ex-mil 90 has a 1.4 transfer box - I brought dir ft and that was what was on it when released from the army
Thank you Flat and greyhair
A parcel arrived today looks like my webasto will be working this winter

Just got a bit of translation to do, then figure out how it works
Thanks Disco
I've been trying to get large bulky items out of the summerhouse as space in there is premium and I've not been very popular with it being packed with Land Rover parts for the past 8 months. So this weekend I was sanding and preping the front wings and bonnet and stripping the doors ready for welding



There only loosely fitted at the moment I still have some engine bits to do
So long time no updates, but I haven't been sitting idle I've just been lazy and not updated the thread
With the doors all welded up I got them mounted. A bit of fun and games and 4 arms needed but I got them aligned


I then started on the interior. Got the dash in

And some of the electrics behind the seat

Then moved onto the seat box

And then the hardura interior this was a job in its self. The old interior had severe dry rot and all had to be binned so I purchased some new hardura but was unable to get it foam backed, so I had to purchase felt backed and with a sharp scrapper remove the felt and glue on the foam. To make the interior look original I cut of the original beading and fixed it on and I have to say works great.

With it all stuck down I couldn't resist getting the seats out for a mock up

I also finished off the battery box with new insulation, sanded the original wood floor and bought a new battery clamp so the batteries won't bounce up and down like before

Now all my oils have arrived hopefully have it running very soon!
Just read this thread and I am in awe at the speed and quality of your work!
Your truck is going to look fantastic when it's finished and I can't wait to see it when it's done.
Keep up the good work.....can't wait for more updates and pictures!
Btw, with ya on the brush painting.
Personally not a massive fan of sprayed on cammo.
Did the previous owner get ride of the 2 piece doors for extra security? I know sliding glass isn't super secure but no Landy is anyway, plus reverting to original doors would look better imho.

Looks great, before you hand paint it though all military vehicles are now sprayed, though I would have left it plain green it looks good as it is.
They might be sprayed from factory and you even get tins of NATO Green paint ready thinned for spraying, but I have watched MT many a time, applying said paint with a brush. Spray booths are hard to come by and the MoD won't spend money sending vehicles for respray. Brush painted and full of runs is the most authentic way of painting any ex-MoD vehicle.
thanks for the kind comments guys its nice to have some encouragement to keep me going. Bix, winterised and winterised wader variants didn't have 2 piece doors and were factory fitted with 1 piece. in the photo below you can still make out the UN markings under the layers of paint

Well a busy weekend for me, well a busy Saturday perks of working outside I suppose. But its running!. a couple of hours fiddling around getting the exhaust bolted tight, double checking everything. Then a further hour scratching my head trying to work out why it wouldn't turn over, to find a retro fitted relay between the ignition solenoid feed. Which I have not idea what it does, ripped that out and away it went.... well after 6 or so 5 second bursts to say i'm chuffed is an understatement.

all work now is towards to MOT
ideally I want to find somewhere dry and warm so I can park it up and brush paint but im struggling to find anywhere local so I might have to wait until march April when it warms up and paint it then unfortunately. im keeping it nato green and black basically what it looked like before I rebuilt it. it was tempting to paint it white in the UN markings though

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