Pretty much as per the title, my Defender 90 was stolen from our drive at 11:19 last night. I can be so specific as I have CCTV of the c**t breaking in and driving away. Wearing a hoody so no face visible. It was in Purley on Thames, RG8 (west of Reading). It's 30 years old FFS, but massively valuable to me a my dog. Ping me if you see/hear anything. Already monitoring eBay etc.


Hi Steve,

Sorry to hear this,

Have you put it on FB landywatch , as well I can see about putting it on the local Aylesbury FB page.

2015-07-02 14.02.00.jpg
OK, well if you are posting it on Landywatch, Once it is on there I will post it to the Aylesbury group.


As I understand it they review profiles, if they do not see any Landy ownership / interest then they do not accept applicants.
If you write the verbage / details on here , I can copy and paste and also state you were not allowed to join if you like.


As I understand it they review profiles, if they do not see any Landy ownership / interest then they do not accept applicants.
If you write the verbage / details on here , I can copy and paste and also state you were not allowed to join if you like.


I would quite like to take part in general, seem like a good group to be part of as I'd keep an eye out for others. If you could tell them that I'm Steve Jones and that my business page is Flix Mobile Cinema hopefully they will see the request and let me join. I use the Landy (sorry, used :-( ) to transport the mobile cinema gear, so it's pretty essential. I realise that my FB profile in general doesn't mention Landys, but it's my business vehicle and the FB account is used to promote my business.

Thanks for all your help, much appreciated!!


I would quite like to take part in general, seem like a good group to be part of as I'd keep an eye out for others. If you could tell them that I'm Steve Jones and that my business page is Flix Mobile Cinema hopefully they will see the request and let me join. I use the Landy (sorry, used :-( ) to transport the mobile cinema gear, so it's pretty essential. I realise that my FB profile in general doesn't mention Landys, but it's my business vehicle and the FB account is used to promote my business.

Thanks for all your help, much appreciated!!



Hi Steve, if you do not notice you should now be in Landywatch.

No Problems, glad to help.

It was a case of they had checked your profile and found no LR info. It is a check they do to stop low life scum joining and finding out about stolen / security on Landies.

Hope you get it back.


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