one 'o them clever, cunning ploys to divert attention from the fact that he can't be arsed to build up his post count to 50 by posting in "word association" for example? :rolleyes:

why oh why do they try! ;)

How on earth do they stay in that ikle top? :5bdrool5:

Errrm what where we on about?
Hey Geo John, you're still here, which is good. Hang around a bit longer and join in, you might enjoy it.

Oh btw, I won't be called a land rover enthusiast by anyone, certainly not you! I own a jeep thank you very much ;)
First of all, How fookin much:eek:

now secondly, we have a rule that 50 posts plus are required before you start trying to sell your sh1t here, so in my book this is purely :5bspam: so please spam off you spamming spam-bandit.

Do you mean this barrage of abuse??

Only did this after receiving a barrage of abuse rather than the friendly advice I was hoping for. Only so much abuse a man can take, not like Discopols life sized barbie doll!

First bit he was bein honest about the price...

Secondly he was tellin you the rules which happen to be normal practice on here.....

If you think that is a barrage of abuse you will not survive on here and therefore on the wrong forum. :(
As amusing as this forum has become to me, I find it quite therapeutic, I do still have a Defender to sell and am willing to listen to offers in the region of 4.5k.
As amusing as this forum has become to me, I find it quite therapeutic, I do still have a Defender to sell and am willing to listen to offers in the region of 4.5k.

I hear the sound of silence........................................... :p

But glad your stayin :fighting2: ;) :D :D
I thaught you killed that jeep.

Or is all well in the yank tank.

Oh it's had a good beating, turns out what I though was my front diff on the way out was in fact just the tyres rubbing the arch at full lock, so 10 mins and a Stanley blade later all is well. It's a good motor :)
Oh it's had a good beating, turns out what I though was my front diff on the way out was in fact just the tyres rubbing the arch at full lock, so 10 mins and a Stanley blade later all is well. It's a good motor :)

Hey this is my thread! Trying to sell my defender here not interested in your ****y yanky jeep!
I know it's not easy to sell at the moment, but enjoying the forum, may even carry on if I sell the defender!

To be honest I'd expect this time of year would be the best time to sell ;)

Also with the snow tax prices will creep up.... however real value dunt ;)

And on here your trying to sell to folk who know a bit about Landrovers and their value ;)

The price your asking would be about right for a decent 1998 300 tdi commercial :) or 1994 300 tdi s/wagon ( which yours int)
To be honest I'd expect this time of year would be the best time to sell ;)

Also with the snow tax prices will creep up.... however real value dunt ;)

And on here your trying to sell to folk who know a bit about Landrovers and their value ;)

The price your asking would be about right for a decent 1998 300 tdi commercial :) or 1994 300 tdi s/wagon ( which yours int)

Waahay :D
Finally some friendly advice :eek:
Believe me it is much appreciated, it seems that finally after weeks of grief people are realising im not a spammer!

I appreciate what you are saying Bromsgrove Defender, and I am prepared to accept less than the asking price but I wont bend over and be ........., like a viewer tried to do the other day, I know my vehicle and I know what I want for it which is more than what I've been offered and slightly less than I have advertised.

Just hope it snows and makes it a sellers market, I'm in no rush to sell and enjoy this site and all its :fighting2:

I would appreciate more of the friendly advise too :bounce:
I just bought a 1997 110 300tdi with 11 & arf months MOT for £2000. ok so it cost me another £500 to get the front end rot and knackered axle sorted But even with that. It's still 2k less than you think ya 90's worth.
Im feeling christmasy as well :), I'll make you a offer then.....

My 1982, 109 S3 in all it's glory (and spare parts) with a ''small'' added christmas bonus.

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