Discopol this isn't spam u idiot!
I have already contacted Paul (the administrater) who advised me that 10 posts are required before I can sell my car
Why would I waste my time? I haven't got nothing to do like you, so take your nasty messages elsewhere and let me get on with trying to sell my defender in an honest and open way.
I thought by coming on this website I'd get help to sell my defender not messages from jealous idiots like you
Now naff off!

I'm not usually this straight forward but I don't need people like discopol (and his nasty comments) when everyone else on here has been so helpful!

Allow me to equal the balance with all these helpful comments you have been getting

This is spam, so spam off you over priced spam peddling cheese penis

That is all
Thanks top cat and big si, but as mentioned in my welcome posts I have been looking on auto trader and the 90s range from £3000-£7000 that is why I asked for advise ( on the welcome posts) on how much my defender is worth in the first place as prices vary so much (the price quoted is what I have been advised by a couple of senior people on this site)
As far as 'calling' people on here, I am not usually so straight forward but at the same time do not appreciate being called a spammer or liar

Im sorry to say, its only worth what someone will pay for it!

Keep it and have some more fun! Remember winters on its way too
Price has been lowered to £4500 ono. please message, email or call for viewings or questions thanks. J
Have you still managed to flog your overpriced pile of ****e yet nobber?

my my I am surprised, you sir are indeed a spamming spam monkey and from what I have heard on the grapevine you also abuse small furry animals by inserting them into your anal passage and taking pleasure from the frantic death scurries that then ensue.

Oh and you are dreaming if you think you're gonna shift it at that price and with that over-inflated ego of yours standing between you and a confirmed sale.
Price has been lowered to £4500 ono. please message, email or call for viewings or questions thanks. J

You really don't get it do you?

To spam or not to spam, THAT is the question.

In your case, I guess the ability to type is worthy of praise. But still, take thy damned spamming skull hither
Wow discopole u really are fluent in bull****, that verbal diarrhoea was just something else.

Small animals and anal passages? You must have been up all night thinking of that one! Seriously I've heard better in a school playground. I don't expect any better from you though, it'd be too much hard work for a prick.

This is an epiphany of stupid for me. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half-baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel.

I mean, really, stringing together a bunch of insults among a load of babbling was hardly effective!

Don't bother replying, your tiny brain won't b able to cope

Wow discopole u really are fluent in bull****, that verbal diarrhoea was just something else.

Small animals and anal passages? You must have been up all night thinking of that one! Seriously I've heard better in a school playground. I don't expect any better from you though, it'd be too much hard work for a prick.

This is an epiphany of stupid for me. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half-baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel.

I mean, really, stringing together a bunch of insults among a load of babbling was hardly effective!

Don't bother replying, your tiny brain won't b able to cope

:yawn: enjoy that motor mate at that price you will be keeping it ;)

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