Cheers for that Boydy. ( i've been using magnatec tho' for past two years or so, so maybe 4 oil changes....) Halfords own ya say? the 10w40 semi? will give it a go if ya reckon it's decent coz its a bit cheaper. Anyway....

...An oily mist is how i'd describe it....... you have to look for it is what i mean, it ain't too obvious. But havin' always run old sheds am totally paranoid about any new noises, smells etc. She ain't done it before at oil change time, 'ence the mystery....... p'raps it be all that Subaru racin'!! Suspect engine is on way out but due to finances and runnin' another old money pit, i mean Iveco...... i was always gonna run the 2.5 td til it kicks t'bucket! As soon as she does or the emmisions won't get thru the dread MOT then i think a 200tdi will be the route I go.

Cheers to all who read post and offered advice.

I may, later, even do the old introduce yerself bit.

All t' best, Ethan. (A northerner trapped in deepest Essex)!:D
Get the halford mineral, the really cheap stuff. Costs about £15 a gallon.

I would expect a faint mist to be honest, to fix the smokeyness try a new air filter.

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