Hi looks brill. I'm going there in a couple of weeks do you know a land ranger map number for this area ? Thanks
Not too hand but if I'm honest you had google Strata Florida Abbey for a postcode that takes you to within 200 yards of the start of the trail. Its even partially signposted once your on it!
I'm sure you would do this anyway but its a bit of a green lane mecca and lots of local lads travel it regularly. Do your best to keep to the track. Sometimes its hard to tell which is the track but I copped a bit of flack for a video that showed me taking a certain line the locals claimed was off piste!

I maintain they were wrong but either way its a point to be aware of. Especially when there are so many amazing stream beds it would be possible to drive through!
Ok sweet. Actually can't wait. Seem to be getting the same vibe from ppl about navigation.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Hi from said local ;)

Nice lane to drive, great thing about wales the lanes go on for so long you don't spend too much time on tarmac :).
It's all sign posted by local laning club I am a member of a year or two back. But I think a few sign posts have gone awol. But pretty easy to follow the correct route.
Hi from said local ;)

Nice lane to drive, great thing about wales the lanes go on for so long you don't spend too much time on tarmac :).
It's all sign posted by local laning club I am a member of a year or two back. But I think a few sign posts have gone awol. But pretty easy to follow the correct route.

Ah that's interesting. Do you see me going off-piste anywhere in this video? Or wandering off the main track?

As I said, its never my intention and someone did comment that I had
Ah that's interesting. Do you see me going off-piste anywhere in this video? Or wandering off the main track?

As I said, its never my intention and someone did comment that I had

Ive got to say, i did see an off piste line on the bomb hole video you did a few weeks ago but i didnt say anything because i dont want to be "that ****er" that pulls everyone up on everything, i did mean to send you a pm about it but i forgot.

Its an easy mistake to make, but strata being one of the most popular routes in the uk its important i think to get it right.

The bomb hole is the correct line, not the way round it on the flat or up the other rocky section.

I dont want to have a winge, but thats the route :)
Ive got to say, i did see an off piste line on the bomb hole video you did a few weeks ago but i didnt say anything because i dont want to be "that ****er" that pulls everyone up on everything, i did mean to send you a pm about it but i forgot.

Its an easy mistake to make, but strata being one of the most popular routes in the uk its important i think to get it right.

The bomb hole is the correct line, not the way round it on the flat or up the other rocky section.

I dont want to have a winge, but thats the route :)

Of course you could view the "Bomb hole" as a very large pothole that is likely to damage your vehicle :rolleyes: and be perfectly within your legal rights to avoid it. tis called creating an easement.
Ive got to say, i did see an off piste line on the bomb hole video you did a few weeks ago but i didnt say anything because i dont want to be "that ****er" that pulls everyone up on everything, i did mean to send you a pm about it but i forgot.

Its an easy mistake to make, but strata being one of the most popular routes in the uk its important i think to get it right.

The bomb hole is the correct line, not the way round it on the flat or up the other rocky section.

I dont want to have a winge, but thats the route :)

See i would be "that" person who would go around the bomb hole ... so i guess that puts me in the wrong ...but hey ho , i'll have avoided damaging my vehicle and then possibly relying on others to help me fix it , or getting stuck and having to put myself and others in danger of trying to haul me out ...think it's more sensible then to just go round..:rolleyes:
The flat part that goes around is ok, it's signposted that way after discussion with council and I think rights of way as a more safer option to the bombhole.
Of course you could view the "Bomb hole" as a very large pothole that is likely to damage your vehicle :rolleyes: and be perfectly within your legal rights to avoid it. tis called creating an easement.

Yes you could legally, but my point was its not the correct route. ;)

I know the point your trying to make.

See i would be "that" person who would go around the bomb hole ... so i guess that puts me in the wrong ...but hey ho , i'll have avoided damaging my vehicle and then possibly relying on others to help me fix it , or getting stuck and having to put myself and others in danger of trying to haul me out ...think it's more sensible then to just go round..:rolleyes:

The thing is, ive driven around the bomb hole( i didnt know the correct line before) but after being pointed out the correct route on the lane its self by the GLASS rep for that area, a mr Askew, i learned the correct route, which is through the bomb hole.

Im kind of half and half, i see exactly wha your saying, your not putting yourself in a situation etc etc. But if you didnt drive the lanes at al you still wouldnt be in that situation. So should you not drive that lane knowing you would have to go "off piste" in a certain place??? :confused:

Just another train of thought.

The flat part that goes around is ok, it's signposted that way after discussion with council and I think rights of way as a more safer option to the bombhole.

I think your wrong there, as above, i had the conversation with the rep on the lane itself.

I cant recall the lane at the moment, its been a couple of years since ive been. I would need to see a photo.

there is i think, or was at least 3 routes around the bomb hole, these will just keep getting explored and used by others to the point where the ground between these routes will be eroded and it will be a big hole in the ground eventually. People dont think they are making a contribution to the problem by "just doing it once"
Yes you could legally, but my point was its not the correct route. ;)

The thing is, ive driven around the bomb hole( i didnt know the correct line before) but after being pointed out the correct route on the lane its self by the GLASS rep for that area, a mr Askew, i learned the correct route, which is through the bomb hole.

But if you didnt drive the lanes at al you still wouldnt be in that situation. So should you not drive a lane knowing you're going off piste?

Surely skirting round the bomb hole by a couple of metres hardly means making a new track tho , there's already a path there? :confused: does that mean then that the whole lane shouldn't be enjoyed by someone not confident to do the bomb hole , seems a bit sad .
I assumed -obviously wrongly , that these lanes were ancient tracks used to move folk and livestock the most direct way between points of habitation , is the bomb hole really part of that long worn track , or something carved out by off roaders that then became the definitive track when the authorities realised that the path needed way marking to avoid further damage?

Either way , I'll hopefully get to do strata one day , I'll probably go round the bomb hole , unless I'm co piloted by someone with some experience , but I still remain with my 'national trust' mentality that buying up the countryside then charging folk for the pleasure of using it , is wrong , I've enough about me to know how to treat the countryside with respect ... And I still maintain that avoiding strata just cos I wanna go round the bomb hole , is somehow wrong .
Ok so im not trying to pick on you or anyone here im just making a point, that is if we stick to the law of the land(the council and the government) then this is what they perceive as the correct way and is what "we" the user should do.

answers in red below.

Surely skirting round the bomb hole by a couple of metres hardly means making a new track tho , there's already a path there?

That there is exactly the problem faced. One person thinks there not causing a problem by "going around" an obstacle. When in fact thats the very start of the problem! :( someone else will see that someone went round and think its ok to do the same. The said new track gets used and develops in to, say being water logged and then someone thinks 'oh ill just go around' see where this is going?

does that mean then that the whole lane shouldn't be enjoyed by someone not confident to do the bomb hole , seems a bit sad .

Yes it is very sad, but yes the council will, i believe take that view.
I assumed -obviously wrongly , that these lanes were ancient tracks used to move folk and livestock the most direct way between points of habitation , is the bomb hole really part of that long worn track , or something carved out by off roaders that then became the definitive track when the authorities realised that the path needed way marking to avoid further damage?

Very true, thats what these ancient highways were used for, there werent always direct but they were used for exactly the purpose you said. It has been proved with research i believe that the bombhole is indeed the correct route(it has been eroded by vehicles and weather) over the years but thats why the signposts were erected because it isnt just the bombhole that suffers from "off piste" play. There are other sections as well, the river crossings being one place with many routes through the water.

Either way , I'll hopefully get to do strata one day , I'll probably go round the bomb hole , unless I'm co piloted by someone with some experience

I hope you dont go around it, because its something different and should be enjoyed. It is not as daunting as it sounds

, but I still remain with my 'national trust' mentality that buying up the countryside then charging folk for the pleasure of using it , is wrong , I've enough about me to know how to treat the countryside with respect ...

I dont doubt it for a second. I think anyone with a modicum of respect would truly know, there are however out there who think other wise.

And I still maintain that avoiding strata just cos I wanna go round the bomb hole , is somehow wrong.We will have to disagree there because that is intentionally going off piste as far as i see it.

I am not trying to be a nazi, im just trying to say how some people will view it and how the council will view it.

In reality the people who go around the bomb hole are really not going to be a big problem, the rocky earth around the bombhole is very sustainable and will cause little erosion. The people who really go off piste through the trees before the bombhole and who are often seen hoofing it up the banks into the heather when faced with a convoy of people coming the other way. This annoys me as there is plenty of places to pass. In my opinion they are just looking for an excuse to fling mud.

I think everyone should enjoy strata because it is a very nice lane is beautiful country, unfortunately it takes a beating because of its popularity.

I hope you do get to drive it muds, with or without the bomb hole. I would quite happily come with you.
I think your wrong there, as above, i had the conversation with the rep on the lane itself.

yes straight through bombhole is the legal route. But the club that sign posted the drive around is run by said rep. So I doubt they did not speak to the relevant people in the council to see what their view was on a possible alternative go around route.
yes straight through bombhole is the legal route. But the club that sign posted the drive around is run by said rep. So I doubt they did not speak to the relevant people in the council to see what their view was on a possible alternative go around route.

a go round route has got to be a sensible option surely , as in cross country riding your usually faced with three heights of jump , novice , intermediate and advanced and depending on your experience you take the path of your/horses ability - less dangerous all round ;) i just think that maybe in a situ like the bomb hole a go round is a sensible option and shouldn't be seen as mindless off piste bloody-mindedness ...
BGB i'll make sure i do it when your not looking ok..:D;)

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