
I have been thinking about my heater, other than the fact its utter poo, it works...I think..the matrix heats up so it must:D
Well the fans are notoriously poo so I have been thinking bout making my own,
I have some ideas and have found some bits that may be reet to make my noo "heater blower box of supreme and infinite pleasure"
That is what I am gonna call it,:cool: I know its not very catchy and somewhat of a tongue tangler, but I reckon I am on to summin.

I wondered if anyone has got any good ideas for a replacement, home-made heater blower fingie, that blows proper like? of just works betterer?

So far i have some funny bits of pipe a plastic long dangly thing and a fan I am gonna experiment on ina sec.

What are the pit falls I have over looked, shall I take this beyond this stage( fort about it lots and gots some useful looking stuff) and step it up a gear and goto Stage 2?:D

Most comments welcomed:p
My blower packed up, so I fitted one of them scoop thingys to the intake so when I am moving forward the air is forced through the matrix. It actually works quite well.
Do you want the heater to warm you or clear the steamy windows, I dont know much boutt these things of electrickery,but could you get a lectric fan heater and plug it in an inverter and tape it facing the window to blow heat at the window,as defender fans / heaters seem to be ****e, I have a brand new matrix and blower in mine and it still seems ****e compared to my discovery
I have been thinking about my heater, other than the fact its utter poo, it works...I think..the matrix heats up so it must:D
Well the fans are notoriously poo so I have been thinking bout making my own,
I have some ideas and have found some bits that may be reet to make my noo "heater blower box of supreme and infinite pleasure"
That is what I am gonna call it,:cool: I know its not very catchy and somewhat of a tongue tangler, but I reckon I am on to summin.

I wondered if anyone has got any good ideas for a replacement, home-made heater blower fingie, that blows proper like? of just works betterer?

So far i have some funny bits of pipe a plastic long dangly thing and a fan I am gonna experiment on ina sec.

What are the pit falls I have over looked, shall I take this beyond this stage( fort about it lots and gots some useful looking stuff) and step it up a gear and goto Stage 2?:D

Most comments welcomed:p
buy a freelander!! instead :D
Buy a butane heater like my mate has, he leaves it on in the morning until he goes to work :D
My blower packed up, so I fitted one of them scoop thingys to the intake so when I am moving forward the air is forced through the matrix. It actually works quite well.

theres one of them scoop things on my 90 and it does keep window mist free after 10 mins driving even in snow / winter

on motorways even kids dont complain after 1 hr its quite warm

but all my doors do seal / fit apart from mine

so i gaffa it on inside on familly journeys

scoop things do help
Hmmm all very good (apart from the freelander) ideas.
But I am thinking about removing the entire fan box, and replace it with a more powerful fan.
I have the scoop and thats great if I exceed 30 mph.
I believe I can remove the box take out he matrix or change it for a bigger rad, build a box with fan and make it fit.
Problem I am having atm, is a 12 v variable speed fan.
How do I vary the voltage to a 12v motor, what every day items can I use?.
I am talking a mg guyver style.
What other ideas have you lot got?
When I finish I will share the knowledge so others can try.
I bought you lot were brainy, comeon show us what yer got:boink: :D
It could be your motor is old and worn or the blades are covered in ****e. Take the fan out and give it a good clean, Ive often woundered if you can get a more power full fan, I have noticed mine is tempermental some times on two it blows other times its like fook all.
Get a 300 tdi tratta. Heater is fooking superb, toasty warm within 5 minutes of starting, .even on cold days. Windows start demisting as soon as I turn the fan on. Problem I have is having to turn the heater off, cos I is too warm :D
Would you just get a 300 tdi one then? I have the original one from the landy 2.3 petrol

No I'd get a 300tdi defender.. tis just like a disco without the rust.. :D quiet, powerful (sort of) and spacious if ya get a 110.. :rolleyes:
No I'd get a 300tdi defender.. tis just like a disco without the rust.. :D quiet, powerful (sort of) and spacious if ya get a 110.. :rolleyes:

No! Ill keep the 200 same power, not quiet in the slightest but the exhorst I made sees to that! Just wanted a better heater blower, funny to be thinking about it this time of year!

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