
Hi all. Just got myself a defender 300tdi truck cab, it needs a new gearbox fitting and just need to know if a disco r380 box is the same or can be made to fit? Cheers guys.
Don't supose you know a good place to get a second hand box from do you? Seen a really cheap disco box that's why I was asking. Are the ratios the same in both boxes?
reading via the linky. v8's have a higher 5th.

how cheap? you can pick up good r380s secondhand for 40+

if you want something longer term, then reconditioning your current box might be a better option.
Hmm think I'll try sorce a second hand box to see me through then can rebuild the one I have over the winter. You know anywhere other than ebay for second hand boxes? Cheers for help.


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