
Active Member
Hi all so took my Landy Laning on Sunday and on the drive back home it developed a weird squeaky chirping sound.

thing is it seems more like a loose trim piece somewhere than any kind of bearing or belt or whatever.

this is what I’ve established so far.

  • Chirps occasionally at tickover, applying a little more gas and it will stop. A particular amount Engine vibration must be causing resonance and then applying more accelerator it stops.
  • It’s not constant, when driving it only seems to occur when you have bumps and stuff in road or a little more than normal engine vibration the chirp occurs.
  • it can’t be heard outside the vehicle, only in the cabin sounds, it like the lower dash area to me?
  • It will also chirp even when coasting a long out of gear and just rolling with no drive or anything engaged
Lot of folks elsewhere have suggested all sorts, everything from the clutch to the UJ’s but I think those points must narrow it down somewhat?
If it makes the noise while stationary it’s not prop ujs.
With the engine off shake/rock the motor.
& listen for the squeak
(I’m saying on the off chance its the bonnet plastic rolls on the bulkhead. Apply a bit of lube)
flat spot on your belt drop a little water on the top pulley and see if it stops for an instant?
300 are well known for belt tens to wear causing the belt to run out of line, and when the belt jumps back into line you get the squeak.
To be fair any car with a flat belt and an auto tens will eventually end up doing the same.
I would say prop uj. I had the exact same issue metal had cracked around uj, if it is this wants sorting ASAP as if it cracks more and breaks can cause a lot of damage
I would say prop uj. I had the exact same issue metal had cracked around uj, if it is this wants sorting ASAP as if it cracks more and breaks can cause a lot of damage

Ah sorry didn't read the end saying you've checked it.
Have you checked the pulley tensioner ( no idea itw actually name) but the one on the front of the engine. Relatively easy fix if it is that
Thanks all everyone was wrong though lol.

It turned out to be the mounting rubbers for the air filter totally cracked loose and they had failed. What’s weird is you couldn’t hear it outside only inside the cabin. But if you lifted the air filter chirping stopped.

replacement rubber mounts fixed it right up.
I would say prop uj. I had the exact same issue metal had cracked around uj, if it is this wants sorting ASAP as if it cracks more and breaks can cause a lot of damage

It couldn’t be the prop UJ’s as it happened when I wasn’t even moving parked on drive. Turned out to be the air filter mount.

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