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I am looking at buying a 54 plate Defender XS 110 double cab pick up but a couple people have told me that it is not classed as a commercial vehicle.

After hours of research I can see no reason why it shouldnt be classed as commercial, but obviously I want to check before I part with my hard earned cash!

Is there something im missing or are people telling me porkies????
I have looked back through older posts but i cant find anything specific to the 110 double cab pick up!

Any help would be awesome thanks
I thought the govt was stopping the double cabs being classed as commercials to stop the outrageous practice of folks evading vat by driving round in plush, leather interiored pimp wagons masquerading as work vans,
From 2002/03, when deciding whether double cab pick-ups count as cars or vans, HMRC will interpret the legislation that defines car and van for tax purposes in line with the definitions used for VAT purposes. The position in respect of earlier tax years remains unchanged.

Under this measure, a double cab pick-up that has a payload of 1 tonne (1,000kg) or more is accepted as a van for benefits purposes. Payload means gross vehicle weight (or design weight) less unoccupied kerb weight (care is needed when looking at manufacturers’ brochures as they sometimes define payload differently).

Under a separate agreement between Customs and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), a hard top consisting of metal, fibre glass or similar material, with or without windows, is accorded a generic weight of 45kg. Therefore the addition of a hard top to a double cab pick-up with an ex-works payload of 1,010 kg will convert the vehicle into a car (net payload reduced to 965 kg). Under this agreement, the weight of all other optional accessories is disregarded. HMRC has also adopted this treatment.
there was a bit about this in LRO a while back, and it comes down to chassis number and type approvals. Someone had bought a double cab pick up and been hammered on tax, went back to the dealer who had an identical but newer vehicle which was classed as commercial.

even the dealer didn't know what the f*ck was going on.
Depends how it's registered? If it is classed as your works vehicle on the books you can class it as a cimercial vehicle as it comes with different take bracket ( remembering my cousins vans and 'vara) using the same tax as the old system and not emissions based
It's to do with payload yes, just speak to your accountant they should do the chasing round that's their job
Well hughsey you havent got to worry about mine being a "leather interiored pimp wagon masquerading as works van" I live and work on a farm, we have a couple older defenders but this one will be mine! It will spend more time in a feild carrying bags of corn and cow feed than on any road. Its just nice to have a couple extra seats for market day! As for the half leather, it wont even be noticed thanks to the seat covers!

Thanks for all your help, I have once again chased my accountant and as Phil B said it depends on how you register it. The one im buying has VAT on already which im able to claim back, and as long as i say its a works vehicle (which means using my business account to pay for it and other obvious things etc...) it can be classed as commercial!

I dont understand why the HMRC doesnt put together a list of what it classes as a Car or a Commercial vehicle???? I realise that people can and do modify cars to get a few perks here and there but is it that hard to provide joe public with a standard list for new and unmodified vehicles?
Best thing about commercial works vehicle is travel expenses from business milage lol although like me I doubt you'll clock up many checkin the stock,
I dont understand why the HMRC doesnt put together a list of what it classes as a Car or a Commercial vehicle???? I realise that people can and do modify cars to get a few perks here and there but is it that hard to provide joe public with a standard list for new and unmodified vehicles?

But they do!!!

, a double cab pick-up that has a payload of 1 tonne (1,000kg) or more is accepted as a van for benefits purposes.
Well just for future reference where can i find this lis redhand??

I bought the Defender mentioned before and it is a commercial Vehicle! As it can carry over 1000kg's (just) in the back then its classed as a LGV (light good's vehicle)

I was almost positive this was the case as many of you confirmed so thanks all that helped!

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