Aahh.. memories!
How did you get on putting the loom back through the chassis Chris?
I tried all sorts but what succeeded was poking my mig torch from the back exit and sending the .8mm wire down then taping the loom to it and gently pulling it through.
Still snagged a lot and took two of us working from both ends in a sawing motion to clear the rib strengtheners inside.
That's pretty much the same as I did Flossie, poked a long piece of wire in exactly the same sawing fashion until I had success, then taped the loom to it
I'd bought complete new wiring from Autosparks which was different to my old main loom and caused a lot of headaches to be honest. The new loom only had 4 relays under the fuse panel vs my old looms 5, a few calls and lots of head scratching eventually sorted the problems, there were also lots of connectors left over, that were designed for aftermarket options such as twin tank, twin batteries, park brake warning lights, aircon etc etc.
Nice to know that Land Rover included all of this on every loom, easier to retrofit I suppose. Created more work for me though Haha
Taking shape Chris, it's great when you start to add the freshly painted parts
Did you get some one to paint it or did you do it yourself ?

and just noticed a fellow Stokie
Eyup greyhair at owrayt !
I got a good local chap to paint it for me. Crackin deal too as I wasn't fussed about how long he took. I knew I'd be a while on this build so as long as he did the parts I needed next I could keep working. I did spray almost everything else though, axles, brackets, tank etc.
The colour is Atlantic Green two pack.
Looks really nice in that color
use to be a really good painter bottom of lyme kilm bank hanley
just across from the finney gardens that used to be
Know whereabouts you mean, I had quite a job finding anyone that would take on a whole Land Rover 110 in bits ! Most folk only do smart repairs nowadays or flashovers, I needed a complete colour change.
Went with a chap in Dilhorne in the end, glad I did
Same here i tried everyone then managed to find a body shop near winsford to take it one
same as your they did individual panels
This looks really great, I hope my rebuild goes as smoothly as this, what can you do if the actual rear tub benches are rotted out to? Can you get replacement ones? I couldn't see any on YRM
New forum member and thought the best way to increase my post count is........ A rebuild thread
Shameless attempt to improve my status I know.......but seriously who can resist a re-build thread !!
Anyhow, I started this old girl up after 7 years besides the hedge in the back yard. I'd promised her a restoration after many years as a faithful family hack and all she needed was a new battery before starting first turn of the key.
A rough plan was drawn up, kind of like a list of works required and at this point barn space was sourced in preparation.
View attachment 105739
Front end stripped out and engine removed to be sent away and reconditioned. The whole strip down was as expected, nothing would undo without buckets of plus gas or the angle grinder.

View attachment 105740

The old 200tdi was running well but smokey when last used, so was due an overhaul, I'd decided to have it completely rebuilt by a specialist along with the turbo and fuel injection pump. The gearbox had been reconditioned around 10,000 miles before lay up so was in good condition and other than oil change was to be cleaned up and re-fitted.

View attachment 105742 In the mean time the strip down continued, as expected the rot had seriously set in with the side frames and bulkhead suffering badly.
I had sourced some TD5 side frames in excellent condition so these were sent for blasting and galvanising, all doors were shot and the rear tub needed serious work.
The body cappings were rusted through and the chassis was good in the middle but rusted through at front and rear. I had replaced the rear quarter chassis some years before but this was now beyond its best.
I had ordered a chassis from Marslands as a direct replacement in preparation for this.

View attachment 105743

The rear tub was worse than I'd thought. Once the old carpet was lifted there was extensive panel rot, other than inner and outer wing panels there was much to remove and I'd decided to go with 3mm thick ally in the rebuild.

I'll post more as the days go by but feel free to ask questions or criticise or even offer other ways I could have done things, always a school day as they say......

Must be the time of year, I am in the process of stripping my 110 CSW. Worked on it for a few years and even replaced the wiring due to a fault from previous owners lack of skill and common sense, but then bulkhead went and I promised her a new chassis too so the project started this year but with no garage to fit her in its a fair weather deal

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